Reminder forms are used to define email reminders that will be sent to users from your app. Reminders are also visible on the app home page when users start your app.
RecordsManager apps automatically generate the body of an email based on the design of the form. The form contains a table within which the design is structured. You can add columns and rows to the table, as well as tables within individual cells of tables.
You can configure relevant fields to be hyperlinked in the reminder email so end users can open a record directly from the email itself.
During reminder definition, the admin selects which end user roles will receive which reminders.
Reminder settings make it easy to configure reminders based on specific dates or calculated dates, i.e., a calculated amount of time before an event such as a renewal or cancellation.
In this example we're reviewing existing reminders, then configuring a new reminder to trigger 10 weeks before the record's retain-until date. Finally, we select which roles of users should receive the reminder email.
Email reminders will be sent based on the rules defined above. For those reminder emails you can define exactly what information the email should include about each record that triggered a reminder. Select the fields – as you would do for any other forms in RecordManager – and apply formatting as you see fit. You can also designate a field to be a hyperlink to your online RecordsManager solution. That way, the person receiving the reminder email can simply click that link and will immediately be brought to that particular record in a browser window.
Learn about other types of forms supported by RecordsManager:
RecordsManager is a free, pre-built MobileTogether solution that is available for you to start using when you install MobileTogether Designer. Use the link below to download and install the free Altova MobileTogether Designer to get started on your first RecordsManager app.