Exemple .NET : Visual Basic .NET
L'exemple Visual Basic ci-dessous effectue les choses suivantes :
•Configurer et initialiser l'objet .NET RaptorXML
•Effectuer une transformation XSLT, retourner le résultat en tant que string
•Traiter un document XQuery, enregistrer le résultat dans un fichier
•Configurer la séquence d'exécution du code et de son point d'entrée
Option Explicit On
Imports Altova.RaptorXMLServer
Module RaptorXMLRunner
' The RaptorXML .NET object
Dim objRaptor As Server
' Initialize the RaptorXML .NET object
Sub Init()
' Allocate a RaptorXML object
objRaptor = New Server()
' Configure the server: error reporting, HTTP server name and port (IPv6 localhost in this example)
objRaptor.ErrorLimit = 1
objRaptor.ReportOptionalWarnings = True
objRaptor.ServerName = "::1"
objRaptor.ServerPort = 8087
End Sub
' Validate one file
Sub ValidateXML()
' Get a validator instance from the RaptorXML object
Dim objXMLValidator As XMLValidator
objXMLValidator = objRaptor.GetXMLValidator()
' Configure input data
objXMLValidator.InputFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"
' Validate; in case of invalid file report the problem returned by RaptorXML
If (objXMLValidator.IsValid()) Then
Console.WriteLine("Input string is valid")
End If
End Sub
' Perform a transformation; return the result as a string
Sub RunXSLT()
' Get an XSLT engine instance from the Server object
objXSLT = objRaptor.GetXSLT()
' Configure input data
objXSLT.InputXMLFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"
objXSLT.XSLFileName = "MyTransformation.xsl"
' Run the transformation; in case of success the result will be returned, in case of errors the engine returns an error listing
End Sub
' Execute an XQuery; save the result in a file
Sub RunXQuery()
' Get an XQuery engine instance from the Server object
Dim objXQ As XQuery
objXQ = objRaptor.GetXQuery()
' Configure input data
objXQ.InputXMLFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"
objXQ.XQueryFileName = "MyQuery.xq"
' Configure serialization (optional - for fine-tuning the result's formatting)
objXQ.OutputEncoding = "UTF8"
objXQ.OutputIndent = true
objXQ.OutputMethod = "xml"
objXQ.OutputOmitXMLDeclaration = false
' Run the query; the result will be serialized to the given path
objXQ.Execute( "MyQueryResult.xml" )
End Sub
Sub Main()
' Entry point; perform all sample functions
End Sub
End Module