Altova UModel 2025

The following sample sets multiple styles for selected diagram elements (if style is available and not already set). The sample uses both the UModel API and the UModel IDE Plug-In library and is available in the following file: ..\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn\Styles\Styles.cs.


The solution also includes two setup projects (in .vdproj format, for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms). The setup installs all necessary files, and registers the IDE plug-in for COM and UModel on your target system, so that the plug-in is automatically loaded when UModel is started the next time.




To build and run the sample, the same requirements as for other UModel IDE Plug-ins apply, see Build and Run the Plug-In.

Visual Studio setup projects are not supported starting with Visual Studio 2012 and require a separate extension to be opened. See the information messages displayed by the Visual Studio migration wizard for more details.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using UModelLib;
using UModelPlugInLib;
* Styles sample
* set following styles for selected diagram elements
*      Fill Color
*      Header Gradient Begin Color
*      Header Gradient End Color
* if style is available and not already set
namespace Styles
  public class UModelStyles : UModelPlugInLib.IUModelPlugIn
      bool m_bPlugInVersionOK = true; // verify if UModel-API has been changed in a way that a recompile of this plug-in is recommended
      #region helpers
      protected string GetPlugInPath()
          string sDLLPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
          return System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(sDLLPath);
      #region IUModelPlugIn Members
      public string GetDescription()
          return "Styles sample Plug-in for UModel;This Plug-in demonstrates how to change several styles of the selected diagram elements.";
      public string GetUIModifications()
              string sPath = GetPlugInPath();
              System.IO.StreamReader myFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(sPath + "\\config.xml");
              string sRet = myFile.ReadToEnd();
              // this replaces the token "**path**" from the XML file with
              // the actual installation path of the plug-in to get the image file
              return sRet.Replace("**path**", sPath);
          catch (System.Exception ex)
              MessageBox.Show("Error in GetUIModifications:" + ex.Message);
              throw ex;
      public void OnInitialize(object pUModel)
          // before processing DDE or batch commands
      public void OnRunning(object pUModel)
          // DDE or batch commands are processed; application is fully initialized
          // verify if UModel-API has been changed in a way that a recompile of this plug-in is recommended:
          IApplication iApp = (IApplication)pUModel;
          if (iApp == null || iApp.APIMajorVersion != 5) // this plug-in was compiled for API major version '5'!
              MessageBox.Show("'Styles': This Plug-in has been made with a previous version of the UModel-API and should be recompiled.\nDisabled Plug-in commands in the meantime.");
              m_bPlugInVersionOK = false;
      public void OnShutdown(object pUModel)
          // application will shutdown; release all unused objects
      public UModelUpdateAction OnUpdateCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          UModelUpdateAction action = UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          if (!m_bPlugInVersionOK)
              return action;
          // check for "fill red"
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 6)
              action = OnUpdateSetStyles((IApplication)pUModel);
          // check for "fill green"
          if (nID == 4 || nID == 7)
              action = OnUpdateSetStyles((IApplication)pUModel);
          // release unused objects
          return action;
      public void OnCommand(int nID, object pUModel)
          if (!m_bPlugInVersionOK)
          // fill red
          if (nID == 3 || nID == 6)
              OnSetStyles((IApplication)pUModel, "red");
          // fill green
          if (nID == 4 || nID == 7)
              OnSetStyles((IApplication)pUModel, "green");
          // release unused objects
      #region SetStyles // set styles of selected diagram elements
      UModelUpdateAction OnUpdateSetStyles(IApplication pUModel)
          if (pUModel == null)
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the active document of the application
          IDocument iDoc = pUModel.ActiveDocument;
          if (iDoc == null)
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the active diagram window
          IDiagramWindow iActiveDiagram = iDoc.ActiveDiagramWindow;
          if ( iActiveDiagram == null )
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // get the selected elements on the active diagram
          IUMLDataList iSelection = iActiveDiagram.SelectedGuiElements;
          if ( iSelection == null )
              return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
          // search all selected elements, if at least one has one of the styles to change
          foreach ( IUMLGuiElement iSelGuiElement in iSelection )
              // verify if it is a GuiVisibleElement (with Styles) and if it may be modified
              if ( iSelGuiElement is IUMLGuiVisibleElement && iSelGuiElement.IsEditable )
                  IUMLGuiVisibleElement iVisGuiElement = (IUMLGuiVisibleElement)iSelGuiElement;
                  if ( iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_FillColor) != null ||
                        iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_HeaderGradientBeginColor) != null ||
                        iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_HeaderGradientEndColor) != null )
                      return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Enable;
          // nothing found => disable command
          return UModelUpdateAction.UModelUpdateAction_Disable;
      public void OnSetStyles(IApplication pUModel, string sColor)
          if (pUModel == null)
          // get the active document of the application
          IDocument iDoc = pUModel.ActiveDocument;
          if (iDoc == null)
          // get the active diagram window
          IDiagramWindow iActiveDiagram = iDoc.ActiveDiagramWindow;
          if (iActiveDiagram == null)
          // get the selected elements on the active diagram
          IUMLDataList iSelection = iActiveDiagram.SelectedGuiElements;
          if (iSelection == null)
              // make all modifications within one UndoStep; start modification here
              if (!iDoc.BeginModification())
              // search all selected elements, and change the style if the wanted value is not already used (directly applied or through style-chain)
              foreach (IUMLGuiElement iSelGuiElement in iSelection)
                  // verify if it is a GuiVisibleElement (with Styles) and if it may be modified
                    if (iSelGuiElement is IUMLGuiVisibleElement && iSelGuiElement.IsEditable )
                      IUMLGuiVisibleElement iVisGuiElement = (IUMLGuiVisibleElement)iSelGuiElement;
                      // set Fill Color if possible and not already set
                      IUMLGuiStyle iStyle = iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_FillColor);
                      if (iStyle != null && iStyle.UsedValue != sColor)
                          iStyle.Value = sColor;
                      // set Header Gradient Begin Color if possible and not already set
                      iStyle = iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_HeaderGradientBeginColor);
                      if (iStyle != null && iStyle.UsedValue != sColor)
                          iStyle.Value = sColor;
                      // set Header Gradient End Color if possible and not already set
                      iStyle = iVisGuiElement.Styles.GetStyle(ENUMUMLGuiStyleKind.eUMLGuiStyle_HeaderGradientEndColor);
                      if (iStyle != null && iStyle.UsedValue != sColor)
                          iStyle.Value = sColor;
              // do not forget to end modification and finish UndoStep
          catch( System.Exception )
              // rollback made changes
              // add error handling

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