UModelAPI - IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint
Interface IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint
documentation | A text label waypoint is a special waypoint as part of a IUMLGuiLineLink which can have one or more text labels associated with it. Text label waypoints can usually appear at the begin, end or in the middle of a line. The waypoint stores not only the text labels it shows, but also the visibility of each text label. |
Operation IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint::GetTextLabelText
parameter |
Operation IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint::IsTextLabelVisible
parameter |
Operation IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint::SetTextLabelVisible
parameter |
Operation IUMLGuiTextLabelWaypoint::TextLabels
parameter |
| ||||||||||||
documentation | Returns a list of all text labels of this waypoint. Contains only elements of type (or subtype of) IUMLGuiTextLabel. |
UML documentation generated by UModel UML Editor | Tue Oct 24 12:26:31 2023 |