Altova UModel 2024 Enterprise Edition

Adding UModel Support to Visual Studio Projects

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Adding UModel support to new or existing Visual Studio projects enables you to set up automatic synchronization between your Visual Studio project and the UModel model. A Visual Studio solution can contain one UModel project (not more).

To add UModel support to a Visual Studio project:

1.Create a new Visual Studio project, or open an existing one. (In this example, a new C# project called "MyApp" is being created with Visual Studio 2017).


2.On the File menu, click Add, and then click New Project.

3.Select UModel Projects, and click OK.


4.If you want diagrams to be created automatically in the model based on the code, click Yes when prompted (this is the recommended option).


5.When prompted to select the diagrams generation options, choose your preferences as you go through the wizard steps, and click Finish. These steps are the same as in the standalone edition of UModel.


When you click Finish, UModel starts the synchronization process and displays a dialog box. Click OK to close the dialog box. The synchronization details are displayed in the Messages window.


Note that the Messages window might not be visible by default in Visual Studio. You can display this window (and all other UModel-specific windows) by selecting the menu command View | UModel | [Name of the window].


When you add a new UModel project to a Visual Studio solution, the settings required for code engineering (such as the component realization, and the C# or VB.NET profile) are defined automatically. To view these settings, open the Model Tree and the Properties windows (on the View menu, click UModel | Model Tree and UModel | Properties, respectively). Make sure to click the code engineering component in the Model Tree window (in this case, "MyApp") in order to populate the Properties window.


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