Syntax and description
The createuser command creates a MobileTogether Server user and assigns this user an initial password and privileges.
mobiletogetherserver createuser [options] User Password [Privileges] |
•The User argument is the name of the MobileTogether Server user to be created.
•The Password argument sets the initial password of this user. This argument is mandatory.
•The Privileges argument is optional. It is a comma-separated list of the privileges granted to the user.
•Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.
Enter the privileges you want to assign to the role. For a description of these privileges, see the topic Roles.
•maintain-users •set-own-password •override-security •allow-store-password •view-log •view-cache •view-licenses •read-users •manage-settings •trace-workflow •read-statistics •read-dbstructures •read-globalresource •write-globalresource •open-workflow-from-designer •save-workflow-from-designer •run-server-simulation
MobileTogetherServer on Windows mobiletogetherserver on Windows and Unix (Linux, Mac)
* Note that lowercase (mobiletogetherserver) works on all platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac), while upper-lower (MobileTogetherServer) works only on Windows and Mac. * Use forward slashes on Linux and Mac, backslashes on Windows.
Examples of the createuser command:
mobiletogetherserver createuser NewUser NewUserPwd
mobiletogetherserver createuser NewUser NewUserPwd maintain-users,set-own-password,override-security
mobiletogetherserver createuser --change_password_on_next_login=true NewUser NewUserPwd
mobiletogetherserver createuser --passwordpolicy=PolicyName NewUser NewUserPwd
•The first command creates a new user with an initial password; no privileges are assigned.
•The second command creates a new user with an initial password, and assigns this user three privileges.
•The third command creates a new user with an initial password. The initial password must be changed when the user logs in.
•The fourth command creates a new user with an initial password. The password policy to be used for this user's password is specified.
Options are listed in short form (if available) and long form. You can use one or two dashes for both short and long forms. An option may or may not take a value. If it takes a value, it is written like this: --option=value. Values can be specified without quotes except in two cases: (i) when the value string contains spaces, or (ii) when explicitly stated in the description of the option that quotes are required. If an option takes a Boolean value and no value is specified, then the option's default value is TRUE. Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.
--change_password_on_next_login = true|false This option determines whether the user must change their password on the next login. The default—that is, if the option is not specified—is false.
--passwordpolicy = Policy Sets the password policy that must be followed for this user's password. For information about creating password policies, see the topic Password Policies.