Syntax and description
The createrole command creates a MobileTogether Server role and assigns this role the privileges specified with the Privileges argument.
mobiletogetherserver createrole [options] Role [Privileges] |
•The Role argument is the name of the MobileTogether Server role to be created.
•The Privileges argument is a comma-separated list of the privileges to be granted to the role.
•Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.
Enter the privileges you want to assign to the role. For a description of these privileges, see the topic Roles.
•maintain-users •set-own-password •override-security •allow-store-password •view-log •view-cache •view-licenses •read-users •manage-settings •trace-workflow •read-statistics •read-dbstructures •read-globalresource •write-globalresource •open-workflow-from-designer •save-workflow-from-designer •run-server-simulation
MobileTogetherServer on Windows mobiletogetherserver on Windows and Unix (Linux, Mac)
* Note that lowercase (mobiletogetherserver) works on all platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac), while upper-lower (MobileTogetherServer) works only on Windows and Mac. * Use forward slashes on Linux and Mac, backslashes on Windows.
Examples of the createrole command:
mobiletogetherserver createrole MyNewRole maintain-users,set-own-password,override-security
•The command adds a new role named MyNewRole, which has the privileges maintain-users, set-own-password, override-security.
Use the --h, --help option to display information about the command.