Changing the Synchronization Settings
Within a running session of DiffDog, the Synchronize directories dialog box opens with the previously saved settings for directory synchronization and displays them in the upper part of the dialog. When a new DiffDog instance (or session) is opened, the Synchronize directories dialog box opens for the first time with the default settings. Using the drop-down lists and check boxes, you can adapt those settings so as to meet the requirements for synchronizing the currently displayed directories.
The options grouped under Different files let you define which files are to be copied, that is, whether older or newer files are to be kept, and whether they should be copied to the right, or left directory, or to both directories. The default option copies newer files to the opposite side so that only the newer version of the file will be kept.

You can choose from among the following options:
•No action: This option ignores different files.
•Copy newer files: This option copies the newer version of a file to the opposite directory. You can use the Left to right and Right to left check boxes to limit the update to one particular directory. Check both boxes to copy the newer files to the opposite directory and thus update both directories.
•Copy older files: This option copies the older version of a file to the opposite directory. You can use the Left to right and Right to left check boxes to limit the update to one particular directory. Check both boxes to copy the older files to the opposite directory and thus update both directories.
The Create backup files check box allows you to keep a backup of a file's previous version in the directory. If activated, the previous version is saved with a .BAK extension before the updated version is copied to the directory.
The Enable manual override of synchronization actions check box enables you to fine-tune your synchronization actions for one or more files or sub-directories, see Overriding the Synchronization Actions.
The options grouped under Missing files/directories determine how missing files and/or directories are to be handled when directories are synchronized. You can choose whether these options are to be applied to files and directories or to directories (when copying) or files (when deleting) only. Furthermore, you can define whether deleted items should be moved to the Recycle Bin if possible or be deleted permanently.

The following options are available for missing files and directories:
•No action: No synchronization for files that are present in only one of the directories.
•Copy missing: Missing files are copied to the opposite directory. You can use the Left to right and Right to left check boxes to limit the update to one particular directory. Check both boxes to copy missing files to the opposite directory and thus update both directories.
•Delete missing: Missing files are deleted from the opposite side. You can use the Left only and Right only check boxes to restrict the deletion to one particular directory. Check both boxes to delete missing files from the opposite directory and thus delete missing files from both directories.