Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Event: OnSelectionChanged (objNewSelection als AuthenticRange)


Skripting-Umgebung - VBScript:

Function On_AuthenticSelectionChanged(objNewSelection)

End Function



Skripting-Umgebung - JScript:

function On_AuthenticSelectionChanged(objNewSelection)




IDE Plugin:

IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent(23, ...)        // nEventId = 23



Dieses Event wird ausgelöst, wenn die sich die Auswahl auf der Benutzeroberfläche ändert.



' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' VB code snippet - connecting to object level events

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' access XMLSpy (without checking for any errors)

DimobjSpy AsXMLSpyLib.Application

SetobjSpy = GetObject("", "XMLSpy.Application")


' this is the event callback routine connected to the OnSelectionChanged

' event of object objView

PrivateSubobjView_OnSelectionChanged (ByVali_ipNewRange AsXMLSpyLib.IAuthenticRange)

  MsgBox ("new selection: " & i_ipNewRange.Text)



' use VBA keyword WithEvents to connect to object-level event

DimWithEvents objView AsXMLSpyLib.AuthenticView

SetobjView = objSpy.ActiveDocument.AuthenticView


' continue here with something useful ...

' and serve the windows message loop

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