Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Im unten gezeigten Codefragment (aus dem Beispiel AutomateXMLSpy) wird gezeigt, wie man Fehler und COM-Ausgabeparameter behandelt. In der Methode XMLSpy.ActiveDocument.IsValid(ref strErrorText, ref nErrorNumber, ref errorData) werden Ausgabeparameter verwendet, mit Hilfe derer im unten gezeigten Codefragment der Text einer Fehlermeldung generiert wird.


Das AutomateXMLSpy Beispiel (siehe Datei form1.cs) befindet sich im Unterordner C# des Ordners API Examples:



Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11



Sie können das Projekt von Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015/2017/2019/2022 aus kompilieren und ausführen.




     // Handler for button "Validate"

       private void validate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


           // COM errors are returned to C# as exceptions. We use a try/catch block to handle them.



               // Method 'IsValid' is one of the few functions that uses output parameters

               // Use 'object' type for these parameters

               object strErrorText = "";

               object nErrorNumber = 0;

               object errorData = null;


               if (!XMLSpy.ActiveDocument.IsValid(ref strErrorText, ref nErrorNumber, ref errorData))


                   // The COM call succeeded but the document is not valid

                   // A detailed description of the problem is returned in strErrorText, nErrorNumber and errorData

                   listBoxMessages.Items.Add("Document " + XMLSpy.ActiveDocument.Name + " is not valid.");

                   listBoxMessages.Items.Add("\tErrorText  : " + strErrorText);

                   listBoxMessages.Items.Add("\tErrorNumber: " + nErrorNumber);

                   listBoxMessages.Items.Add("\tElement    : " + (errorData != null ? ((XMLSpyLib.XMLData)errorData).TextValue : "null"));




                   // The COM call succeeded and the document is valid

                   listBoxMessages.Items.Add("Document " + XMLSpy.ActiveDocument.Name + " is valid.");



           catch (Exception ex)


               // The COM call was not successful

               // Probably no application instance has been started or no document is open.

               listBoxMessages.Items.Add("Error validating active document: " + ex.Message);




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