Altova Authentic 2024 Browser Edition

This is an example HTML page with an embedded JavaScript. The sample requires the Authentic Browser Plug-in (XPI file) to be installed on your computer. Note that case-sensitivity might be an issue with some servers, so if there is a problem locating a file, check the casing of filenames and of commands in the code.


The code shows:


How to access the browser plug-in. Modify the code to refer to your XPI file and the class identifier (MIME Type) of your browser plug-in version (trusted or untrusted).

How to load a file into the browser plug-in. Modify the code to refer to your sample document.

Implement buttons for simple cursor positioning.

Implement more complex commands like the sorting of tables.

How to use the SelectionChanged event.





<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<title>Test Page For Authentic Browser Plug-in</title>




<!-- to disable the fast-back cache in Firefox, define an unload handler -->

<BODY id="bodyId" onunload="Unload()">








 SaveButtonAutoEnable="TRUE" >



<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">

var objCurrentRange = null;

var objPlugIn = document.getElementById('objPlugIn');


function BtnDocumentBegin() { objPlugIn.AuthenticView.DocumentBegin.Select(); }

function BtnDocumentEnd() { objPlugIn.AuthenticView.DocumentEnd.Select(); }

function BtnWholeDocument() { objPlugIn.AuthenticView.WholeDocument.Select(); }

function BtnSelectNextWord() { objPlugIn.AuthenticView.Selection.SelectNext(1).Select(); }


function BtnSortDepartmentOnClick()


 var objCursor = null;

 var objTableStart = null;

 var objBubble = null;

 var strField1 = "";

 var strField1 = "";

 var nColIndex = 0;

 var nRows = 0;


 objCursor = objPlugIn.AuthenticView.Selection;

 if (objCursor.IsInDynamicTable())


         // calculate current column index

         nColIndex = 0;

         bContinue = true;

         while ( bContinue )


                 try { objCursor.GotoPrevious(11); }

                 catch (err) { bContinue = false; nColIndex--; }




         // GoTo begin of table

         objTableStart = objCursor.ExpandTo(9).CollapsToBegin().Clone();


         // count number of table rows

         nRows = 1;

         bContinue = true;

         while ( bContinue )


                 try { objTableStart.GotoNext(10); }

                 catch (err) { bContinue = false; }




         // bubble sort through table

         for ( i = 0; i < nRows - 1; i++) {

                 for( j 0; j < nRows-i-1; j++) {

                         objBubble objCursor.ExpandTo(9).CollapsToBegin().Clone();

                         // Select correct column in jth table row


                strField1 = objBubble.Text;



                                 strField2 = objBubble.GotoNext(10).Goto(11,nColIndex,2).ExpandTo(6).Text;


                         catch ( err ) { continue; };

                if(strField1 > strField2) {

                                 if(!objBubble.MoveRowUp()) {

                                         alert('Table row move is not allowed!');









function InitAuthenticPluginPage( )


 var serverstr='your-server/';

 var basedir='Authentic/';

 objPlugIn.SchemaLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.xsd';

 objPlugIn.XMLDataLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.xml' ;

 objPlugIn.DesignDataLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.sps';




function Unload()




function OnSelectionChanged()


 var CurrentSelection = null;

 CurrentSelection = objPlugIn.AuthenticView.Selection;

 SelTable_FirstTextPosition.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.FirstTextPosition;

 SelTable_LastTextPosition.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.LastTextPosition;

 SelTable_FirstXMLData.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.FirstXMLData.Parent.Name;

 SelTable_FirstXMLDataOffset.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.FirstXMLDataOffset;

 SelTable_LastXMLData.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.LastXMLData.Parent.Name;

 SelTable_LastXMLDataOffset.innerHTML = CurrentSelection.LastXMLDataOffset;



objPlugIn.addEventListener("selectionchanged", OnSelectionChanged, false)

// event subscription if running on Firefox 

objPlugIn.addEventListener("ControlInitialized", InitAuthenticPluginPage, false);



<TD><Input Type="button" value="Goto Begin" id="B1" onclick="BtnDocumentBegin()"></TD>

<TD><Input Type="button" value="Goto End" name="B2" onclick="BtnDocumentEnd()"></TD>

<TD><Input Type="button" value="Whole Document" name="B3" onclick="BtnWholeDocument()"></TD>

<TD><Input Type="button" value="Select Next Word" name="B4" onclick="BtnSelectNextWord()"></TD>



<TD><Input Type="button" value="Sort Table by this Column" id="B6" onclick="BtnSortDepartmentOnClick()"</TD>



<TABLE id=SelTable border=1>

<TR><TD id=SelTable_FirstTextPosition></TD><TD id=SelTable_LastTextPosition></TD></TR>

<TR><TD id=SelTable_FirstXMLData></TD><TD id=SelTable_FirstXMLDataOffset></TD></TR>

<TR><TD id=SelTable_LastXMLData></TD><TD id=SelTable_LastXMLDataOffset></TD></TR>

<TR><TD id=SelTable_Text></TD></TR>





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