See also
Declaration: GetAllowedElements(nAction as SPYAuthenticElementActions,pStartElement as XMLData,pEndElement as XMLData,pElements as Variant)
GetAllowedElements() returns the allowed elements for the various actions specified by nAction.
JavaScript example:
function GetAllowed()
var arrElements = new Array(1);
var objStart = objPlugIn.CurrentSelection.Start;
var objEnd = objPlugIn.CurrentSelection.End;
var strText;
strText = "valid elements at current selection:\n\n";
for(var i = 0;i <= 4;i++) {
strText = strText + ListArray(arrElements) + "------------------\n";
return strText;
function ListArray(arrIn)
var strText = "";
if(typeof(arrIn) == "object") {
for(var i = 0;i <= (arrIn.length - 1);i++)
strText = strText + arrIn[i] + "\n";
return strText;
VBScript example:
Sub DisplayAllowed
dim arrElements()
dim objStart
dim objEnd
set objStart = objPlugIn.CurrentSelection.Start
set objEnd = objPlugIn.CurrentSelection.End
dim strText
strText = "Valid elements at current selection:" & chr(13) & chr(13)
dim i
For i = 1 To 4
objView.GetAllowedElements i,objStart,objEnd,arrElements
strText = strText & ListArray(arrElements) & "---------------" & chr(13)
msgbox strText
End Sub
Function ListArray(arrIn)
dim strText
If IsArray(arrIn) Then
dim i
For i = 0 To UBound(arrIn)
strText = strText & arrIn(i) & chr(13)
End If
ListArray = strText
End Function