In some projects, it may not be known what browser will be used on the client. In such cases, Authentic Browser for different Internet Explorer versions can be stored on the server. In the HTML page you can insert a script to determine which browser has been used to open the HTML page, and accordingly cause the correct Authentic Browser Plug-in to be loaded.
Additionally, if Internet Explorer is the browser that is used on the client, then the correct .CAB file (for 32-bit or 64-bit Internet Explorer) must be selected for download from the server. A script can test for the X-bit version of Internet Explorer and select the correct .CAB file for download from the server.
The example file listed below does the following: determines the browser, loads the correct Authentic Browser version, and carries out a few functions. For information about individual objects, see the respective Object descriptions in the Reference section.
Example file
The HTML code below generates a page that has the following features:
•It checks what browser is installed on the client.
•If the installed browser is Internet Explorer, then it checks whether the system is 32-bit or 64-bit, and then selects the correct .CAB file (for 32-bit or 64-bit Internet Explorer).
•The Authentic Browser window within the page has a width that is 100% that of the browser window and 60% of its height.
•Below the Authentic Browser window is a row of five buttons
•The Start Editing button loads the Authentic View of OrgChart.xml, which is in the root directory of your server
•The Find and Replace buttons pop up the Find and Replace dialogs respectively
•The Save button saves changes to a file called SaveFile_OrgChart.xml located in the root directory of the server
•The Test property button tests a simple property
When this HTML page is opened on the client, the user can start editing the XML file OrgChart.xml and save the edited file as SaveFile_OrgChart.xml.
You may wish to use this simple HTML page to test whether Authentic Browser functions properly. If you do so, be sure to use the IP Address and the correct path to the respective files in the URLs that locate the the XPI file, the xsd, xml, and sps files, and any other resource on the server. Note that case-sensitivity might be an issue with some servers, so if there is a problem locating a file, check the casing of filenames and of commands in the code. You can expand or modify this example to build more complex solutions using Authentic Browser.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Orgchart.sps Scriptable Plug-in Test - browser independent</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function BtnOnSave() { objPlugIn.Save();}
function InitAuthenticPluginPage( )
var schema= document.getElementById('xsd');
var instance=document.getElementById('xml');
var design=document.getElementById('sps');
objPlugIn.XMLDataLoadObject.URL =instance.innerHTML;
objPlugIn.DesignDataLoadObject.URL = design.innerHTML;
objPlugIn.SchemaLoadObject.URL= schema.innerHTML;
// alert(schema.innerHTML+" "+instance.innerHTML+" " +design.innerHTML);
var serverstr='your-server/';
var basedir='Authentic/';
objPlugIn.SchemaLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.xsd';
objPlugIn.XMLDataLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.xml' ;
objPlugIn.DesignDataLoadObject.URL = 'http://' + serverstr + basedir + 'OrgChart.sps';
function Unload()
<style type="text/css">@page { margin-left:0.60in; margin-right:0.60in; margin-top:0.79in; margin-bottom:0.79in } @media screen { br.altova-page-break { display: none; } } @media print { br.altova-page-break { page-break-before: always; } }
<body id="bodyId" onunload="Unload()">
<table border="1">
<tr><th><span>DesignLoadURL</span></th><td id="sps">http://your-server/Authentic/Orgchart.sps</td></tr>
<tr><th><span>SchemaLoadURL</span></th><td id="xsd">http://your-server/Authentic/Orgchart.xsd</td></tr>
<tr><th><span>XMLDataLoadURL</span></th><td id="xml">http://your-server/Authentic/Orgchart.xml</td></tr>
<tr><th><span>XMLDataSaveURL</span></th><td id="xmlsave">http://your-server/Authentic/SaveFile_OrgChart.xml</td></tr>
<center><h3><span>Authentic Platformindependent Plug-in Enterprise Edition</span></h3></center>
<span> </span>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// return true if the page loads in Internet Explorer
function isIEOnWindows()
return ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win') != -1))
//return true if Browser is 64bit
function is64bitBrowser()
return ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Win64') != -1)&& (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('x64') != -1))
//return Codebase for 32 bit or 64 bit
function getCodeBase()
if ( is64bitBrowser() ){
return('CodeBase="http://your-server/AuthenticBrowserEdition_x64.CAB#Version=12,2,0,0" ')
else {
return('CodeBase="http://your-server/AuthenticBrowserEdition.CAB#Version=12,2,0,0" ')
// Create the plugin object instance, according to the browser loading the page
// -IE uses <OBJECT> tag for embeding plugins and supports CODEBASE attribute
// to indicate a .cab file for the installation if the plugin is not
// currently installed
function createObject( codebase, clsid)
{if ( isIEOnWindows() )
document.write ( '<OBJECT ' +
'id="objPlugIn" ' +
getCodeBase() +
'Classid="clsid:B4628728-E3F0-44a2-BEC8-F838555AE780" ' +
'width="100%" ' +
'height="60%" ' +
'>' +
'<PARAM NAME="XMLDataSaveUrl" VALUE="http://your-server/Authentic/SaveFile_OrgChart.xml"> ' +
'<PARAM NAME="EntryHelpersEnabled" VALUE="TRUE"> ' +
'<PARAM NAME="SaveButtonAutoEnable" VALUE="TRUE"> ' +
'<PARAM NAME="LicServer" VALUE="your-server"> ' +
'<PARAM NAME="LicCompany" VALUE="Altova"> ' +
// after running createObject the plugin object exists. Initialize the javascript variable to be used in the scripts
var objPlugIn = document.getElementById('objPlugIn');
<button onclick="objPlugIn.StartEditing()"><span>Start Editing</span></button>
<button onclick="objPlugIn.FindDialog()"><span>Find</span></button>
<button onclick="objPlugIn.ReplaceDialog();"><span>Replace</span></button>
<button onclick="BtnOnSave()"><span>Save</span></button>
<button onclick="alert ( objPlugIn.IsRowInsertEnabled );"><span>Test</span><br></button>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// event subscription if running on Firefox
if ( isFirefoxOnWindows() )
objPlugIn.addEventListener("ControlInitialized", InitAuthenticPluginPage, false);
<script event="ControlInitialized" for="objPlugIn" language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
// event subscription if running on Internet Explorer
if ( isIEOnWindows() )
//if ( isIEx64OnWindows() ) alert("IE x64");
Note: | The script above contains license information for activating Authentic Browser Enterprise Edition. |