Altova Authentic 2024 Browser Edition


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Event: OnMouseEvent (nXPos as Long, nYPos as Long, eMouseEvent as SPYMouseEvent, objRange as AuthenticRange) as Boolean


XMLSpy scripting environment - VBScript:

Function On_AuthenticMouseEvent(nXPos, nYPos, eMouseEvent, objRange)

 ' On_AuthenticMouseEvent = True  ' to cancel bubbling of event

End Function


XMLSpy scripting environment - JScript:

function On_AuthenticMouseEvent(nXPos, nYPos, eMouseEvent, objRange)


 // return false;  /* to cancel bubbling of event */



XMLSpy IDE Plugin:

IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (31, ...)        // nEventId = 31



This event gets triggered for every mouse movement and mouse button Windows message.


The actual message type and the mouse buttons status, is available in the eMouseEvent parameter. Use the bit-masks defined in the enumeration datatype SPYMouseEvent to test for the different messages, button status, and their combinations.


The parameter objRange identifies the part of the document found at the current mouse cursor position. The range objects always selects a complete tag of the document. (This might change in future versions, when a more precise positioning mechanism becomes available). If no selectable part of the document is found at the current position, the range object is null.


REMARK: The following events from the scripting environment and IDE Plugin of XMLSpy are still supported but become obsolete with this event:

On_AuthenticMouseMove()                        IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (15, ...)        // nEventId = 15

On_AuthenticButtonUp()                        IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (16, ...)        // nEventId = 16

On_AuthenticButtonDown()                        IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (17, ...)        // nEventId = 17

On_AuthenticButtonDoubleClick()        IXMLSpyPlugIn.OnEvent (24, ...)        // nEventId = 24




' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' VB code snippet - connecting to object level events

' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

' access XMLSpy (without checking for any errors)

Dim objSpy As XMLSpyLib.Application

Set objSpy = GetObject("", "XMLSpy.Application")


' this is the event callback routine connected to the OnMouseEvent

' event of object objView. If you click with the left mouse button

' while pressing a control key, the current selection will be set

' to the tag below the current mouse cursor position

Private Function objView_OnMouseEvent(ByVal i_nXPos As Long, ByVal i_nYPos As Long, ByVal i_eMouseEvent As XMLSpyLib.SPYMouseEvent, ByVal i_pRange As XMLSpyLib.IAuthenticRange) As Boolean

  If (i_eMouseEvent = (XMLSpyLib.spyLeftButtonDownMask Or XMLSpyLib.spyCtrlKeyDownMask)) Then

      On Error Resume Next


       objView_OnMouseEvent = True


       objView_OnMouseEvent = False

  End If

End Function


' use VBA keyword WithEvents to connect to object-level event

Dim WithEvents objView As XMLSpyLib.AuthenticView

Set objView = objSpy.ActiveDocument.AuthenticView


' continue here with something useful ...

' and serve the windows message loop


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