Nouveautés dans StyleVision 2025

La version 2025 d'Altova StyleVision a été annoncée le 22 octobre 2024. Découvrez toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités et mettez-les à jour dans la dernière version.

StyleVision 2025 (22 octobre 2024)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Port to WebView2
Prise en charge de MySQL 8.4
Prise en charge de XSLT 10.11, 11.2 et 11.4
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.30, 4.31, 4.32 et 4.33

Port to WebView2

Le mode Design de StyleVision a été porté au moteur du navigateur interne de WebView2 pour une expérience de l’utilisateur final plus moderne.

Mise à jour de la prise en charge des bases de données

StyleVision et tous les produits logiciel activés par la base de données d’Altova se connectent aux 15 types de bases de données les plus populaires et de nombreuses versions y afférentes. Dans cette release, une prise en charge mise à jour a été ajoutée pour :

  • MySQL 8,4
  • MariaDB 10.11, 11.2, 11.4

Prise en charge des plus récente versions d’Eclipse

StyleVision prend en charge en toute transparence l’intégration dans Eclipse IDE avec une nouvelle prise en charge ajoutée pour les versions :

  • 4.30
  • 4.31
  • 4.32
  • 4.33
Mises à jour
Les clients existants peuvent télécharger ici les mises à jour de la dernière version
Version d'essai gratuite de 30 jours des produits Altova !
Nouveautés MobileTogether
Nouvelles fonctions multi-plateformes, développement d’appli native dans

Les nouvelles fonctions des versions précédentes

Découvrez les nouvelles fonctions dont vous profiterez grâce à une mise à niveau de votre ancienne version StyleVisionVersion 2025 Release 2 !

StyleVision 2024r2 (23 avril 2024)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge d’Apache PDF Box 3.0.1
Prise en charge de Mozilla pdf.js v4.0.379
Prise en charge de MySQL 8.2 & 8.3, PostgreSQL 16, MariaDB 11.2, SQLite 3.45
StyleVision 2024 (24 octobre 2023)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Fractionner l’aperçu de sortie
Aperçu PDF avec Edge : native et PDF.js
Génération rapide de PDF
Aperçu HTML avec Edge
Prise en charge native de MySQL et MariaDB
Intégration avec Eclipse 2023-06 et 2023-09
Prise en charge du défilement horizontal de la molette de la souris
Prise en charge de FOP 2.9
StyleVision 2023r2 (12 avril 2023)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge des images intégrées dans la sortie HTML
Prise en charge de FOP 2.8
Prise en charge de Firebird 4, PostgreSQL 15, SQL Server 2022
Intégration avec Eclipse 4.26, 4.27
StyleVision 2023 (19 octobre 2022)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge du Gestionnaire de schéma XML d’Altova
Capacité d’ajouter des balises HTML sous l’élément HEAD
Option pour désactiver des parties de design afin d’éviter qu’elles ne soient rendues dans Authentic View et/ou la sortie
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Intégration avec Eclipse 4.23, 4.24, 4.25
StyleVision 2022r2 (8 mars 2022)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de FOP 2.7
Prise en charge des images dans la fenêtre de projet
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Intégration avec Visual Studio 2022
Intégration avec Eclipse 4.22
StyleVision 2022 (27 octobre 2021)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Un nouveau format de sortie : texte pur
Prise en charge de Windows 11
Fonctionnalités élargies pour Trouver & Remplacer
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Prise en charge de Eclipse 4.19, 4.20 et 4.21
StyleVision 2021r3 (1er juin 2021)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Résolution de bogues et autres améliorations
StyleVision® 2021r2 (4 mars 2021)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge pour Chercher & Remplacer
Prise en charge de FOP 2.6
Prise en charge pour IBM DB2 pour iSeries 7.4
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.17 et 4.18
StyleVision® 2021 (14 octobre 2020)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Capacité de joindre des fichiers à un PDF
Gestionnaire de taxonomie XBRL
Mises à jour des taxonomies XBRL liées à COVID-19
Mise à jour de la prise en charge pour MariaDB
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.15 et 4.16
StyleVision® 2020r2 (17 mars 2020)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Améliorations du Débogueur XPath
Prise en charge de FOP 2.4
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.13 et 4.14
StyleVision® 2020 (9 octobre 2019)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Débogueur XPath et nouveau dialogue XPath
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Intégration avec Visual Studio 2019
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.11 et 4.12
StyleVision® 2019 Release 3 (2 avril 2019)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de FOP 2.3
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Prise en charge d'Open JDK
Prise en charge d’Office 2019
Prise en charge d’Eclipse 4.9 et 4.10
Prise en charge de Windows Server 2019
StyleVision® 2019 (17 octobre 2018)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de versions supplémentaires de bases de données
Prise en charge d'Eclipse 4.8
StyleVision® 2018r2 (17 avril 2018)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de iXBRL 1.1
Exporter les designs avec Rich text vers MobileTogether
Prise en charge des bases de données Teradata 16 et MariaDB 10
Paramètres de proxy de réseau détaillés
StyleVision® Server 2018 (3 octobre 2017)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Amélioration considérable de la vitesse dans le moteur XSLT
Amélioration de la conformité des spec dans le moteur XSLT
Génération automatique d'iXBRL
Prise en charge de Sybase 16, PostgreSQL 9.6, MySQL 5.7
Prise en charge de FOP 2.2
Intégration avec Eclipse 4.7
StyleVision® 2017 Release 3 (4 avril 2017)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Possibilité de convertir un design StyleVision en un design MobileTogether
Nouvelle barre Recherche
De nombreuses nouvelles fonctions dans le moteur de charting
Intégration avec Visual Studio 2017
Prise en charge de Windows Server 2016
StyleVision® Server 2017 (4 octobre 2016)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de la création de formulaires PDF remplissables
Prise en charge des paquets de taxonomie XBRL Table Linkbase
Prise en charge les pilotes de base de données ADO.NET
Prise en charge native pour PostgreSQL
Prise en charge des bases de données Progress OpenEdge
Prise en charge de SQL Server 2016
Prise en charge de l'intégration avec Eclipse 4.6
StyleVision® 2016 Release 2 (16 février 2016)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Capacité de créer un design sur la base d'un document Word
Prise en charge pour copier/coller des images et des éléments de document depuis des fichiers Word/Excel
Prise en charge de l'intégration avec Eclipse 4.5
StyleVision® 2016 (30 septembre 2015)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de Windows 10
Prise en charge des bases de données Firebird
Prise en charge de nombreuses bases de données mises à jour pour comprendre les versions les plus récentes : IBM DB2 10.5, SQL Server 2014, PostgreSQL 9.4, MySQL 5.6, et Oracle 12C
Mise à jour de l'intégration Visual Studio pour inclure VS 2015
StyleVision® 2015 Release 4 (10 juin 2015)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge des bases de données SQLite
StyleVision® 2015 Release 3 (25 février 2015)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de XPath 3.1
Prise en charge pour XBRL Table Linkbase
StyleVision® 2015 (17 septembre 2014)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de la génération de fragments HTML
Prise en charge de pieds de page dans la sortie RTF
Prise en charge de pieds de page dans la sortie PDF et Word
Prise en charge de la taxonomie US GAAP 2014 (s'ajoute à la prise en charge des versions précédentes)
StyleVision® 2014 Release 2 (19 mars 2014)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de XPath 3.0 et XQuery 3.0
Dialogue XPath amélioré
Prise en charge des fonctions d'extension XPath Altova
Intégration avec Visual Studio 2013 (en plus de la prise en charge des versions précédentes)
StyleVision® 2014 (29 octobre 2013)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge des nouvelles bases de données : SQL Server 2012; PostgreSQL 9.0.10, 9.1.6, 9.2.1; IBM DB2 9.5, 9.7, 10.1; Informix 11.70; MySQL 5.5.28; Sybase ASE 15, 15.7; Access 2010, 2013
Prise en charge de l'intégration avec Eclipse 4.3 – s'ajoute à la prise en charge des versions précédentes
Nouvelles options pour rendre les sauts de section - pour éviter d'obtenir une première page vierge
StyleVision® 2013 Release 2 (29 avril 2013)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge de FOP 1.1
Prise en charge du déploiement des designs StyleVision sur FlowForce Server
StyleVision® 2013 (15 septembre 2012)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Table row and column conditions – conditionally hide rows or columns in tables
XPath Evaluator extension of XPath Builder – evaluate XPath expressions in context, in order to verify results
Java application seamless integration – integrate StyleVision functionality in custom Java applications for Windows
Watermark support – set watermark images or free text for PDF, RTF, and Word output
Additional toolbars for easier design – several toolbar buttons and combo boxes have been added to simplify text formatting tasks
Spell check support for CamelCase – saves time and increases spell-check accuracy
Integration with Eclipse 4.2 – adds to support for earlier versions
Support for US GAAP 2012 XBRL taxonomy – adds to support for earlier versions
StyleVision® 2012 Release 2 (23 février 2012)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
RichEdit functionality for Authentic eForms – Authentic end users can now apply formatting to content via RichEdit toolbar
Support for logical files in IBM iSeries databases – logical files are similar to data views and can now be used as a data source for reporting
StyleVision® 2012 (19 octobre 2011)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Composite styles – Control multiple style features via XPath
Dynamic class assignment for HTML, Word, RTF, PDF, and Authentic
Dynamic CSS selection via XPath
Support for HTML5 and CSS3
JDBC database driver support
Java API
New samples for API use – code samples help developers immediately utilize the APIs to automate StyleVision in their preferred environment
StyleVision® 2011 Release 3 (8 juin 2011)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Prise en charge des signatures numériques XML – facilite l'échange sûr de documents parmi les utilisateurs professionnels
Support for new PXF (Portable XML Form) file format – dramatically increases the portability of StyleVision designs, the Authentic electronic form in particular
New spell checker with improved dictionary support
Support for Internet Explorer® 9
Support for .TIFF, .JPEG XR, and .SVG image formats
Scripting editor supports .NET 4.0
Ability to add additional .NET assemblies for scripting – now enjoy easy access to external .NET assemblies from the Global Assemblies Cache (GAC), MSVS .NET References, or assembly files stored on your network or machine
StyleVision® 2011 Release 2 (16 février 2011)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Barcode support – StyleVision has now integrated all of the barcode implementations provided by the BarCode4J library
Capacité de générer plusieurs fichiers de sortie depuis un seul modèle de design
Ability to define reusable XPath expressions – lets users define their own XPath functions, which can be used anywhere in their stylesheet designs (i.e. conditions, auto-calculations, etc.)
Support for embedded images in XML
Additional chart types and features
Ability to generate ASPX Web applications – allows customers to easily deploy dynamic Web sites with design and functionality dictated in StyleVision templates
PDF bookmark tree
Ability to create visible/internal combobox values – allows users to create two separate sets of data for comboboxes: entries that will be visible to the Authentic user, and data that will be written to the XML source file
StyleVision® 2011 (8 septembre 2010)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Charts as a new design element – charts can be rendered for multi-channel output in HTML, RTF, PDF, Word 2007+, and as electronic forms
Chart wizard for XBRL files – allows users to generate charts in their XBRL reports using a comprehensive wizard
Scripting & toolbar editor for Authentic – allows users to interact with XML and database reports using forms, event handlers, and macros created in the Scripting Editor interface
Multi-channel output of HTML/CALS tables – StyleVision will automatically recognize values dictating table structure such as column number, row height, etc., and apply them to rendered output
Assigning styles to HTML/CALS tables – enables customers to add information that may be missing from the source format
Multiple assignments to HTML/CALS tables in a single schema – allows users to differentiate between similar data structures and define separate styles to each using the Edit HTML/CALS tables dialog
Ability to import existing XSLT files – users will now be able to base their designs on existing XSLT files that were designed for HTML output or XSL files with XSL:FO commands for output in PDF
StyleVision® 2010 Release 3 (10 mai 2010)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Support for iXBRL – allows users to embed XBRL fragments in HTML documents
Global templates for any element – enables StyleVision users to easily create modular designs and manage large documentation efforts with ease
Prise en charge de Visual Studio 2010
StyleVision® 2010 Release 2 (16 février 2010)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Version 64-bit – pour une utilisation avec les systèmes d'exploitation 64-bit
Support for editable variables in Authentic eForms – allows users to add variables to the design template itself, rather than needing to modify the underlying XML Schema file.
Keyboard shortcuts for moving layout boxes
Enclose/remove templates for table rows and columns
Enhanced header/footer options
Support for vertical text
Ability to pass parameters to design fragments
StyleVision® 2010 (28 octobre 2009)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Completely new design paradigm – adds to the flexibility to the design process, letting users approach StyleVision in the same way they use other design applications - specifying layout first and adding content after
True electronic form design through absolute positioning – lets users specify an exact static location for any content element(s) in their template designs
Ability to print design templates – promotes easy collaboration with other stakeholders, allowing them to preview document markup and design before XML, database, and/or XBRL-derived content is added to the generated output
Support for multiple page layouts in one document – lets users work even more seamlessly with printed media, in which it is often necessary to combine portrait and landscape modes, have different headers and footers, variable page sizes, etc.
Inline HTML, XSLT processing commands – gives users additional flexibility in their design, enabling them to use functionality that is not sometimes natively supported in StyleVision
Inline XSL:FO processing commands – gives users additional flexibility in their design, enabling them to use functionality that is not sometimes natively supported in StyleVision.
Extension templates based on any XPath – allows for full flexibility in selecting nodes and values from any XML location and in any combination within a document(s)
Ability to import external XSLT files
Column formatting for print output formats – allows users to create static columns in their template designs for printed output, which is essential for newspaper-type layouts
XHTML output option
Disable-output-escaping function – enables developers to render code as-is, without it being transformed by a processor
Ability to modify output DPI – lets users accurately fine-tune the conversion from pixel units to absolute units (cm, in, etc.) for better control over how CSS settings get applied to print output formats
Support for variables in design – enables users to declare variables based on any XPath expression
Native code calls (.NET, Java, JavaScript, etc.) in XPath statements
Support for fixed lines in form design
Internet Explorer support extended to include IE8
Compatibilité avec Windows 7
StyleVision® 2009 (3 février 2009)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
XBRL design for financial reporting –enables organizations to share customized business data in online or print format(s) with business partners, stakeholders, and regulatory commissions, all based on XBRL taxonomy requirements
All-new design for tables – allows users to create and edit tables that have a mixture of dynamic and static properties, and also to insert XPath conditions that apply to entire rows or columns
Direct template filtering with XPath – allows large amounts of data to be automatically ignored by the rendering engine based on specific cases
Visual Studio & Eclipse integration – gives users access to StyleVision's graphical interface and unique stylesheet design capabilities directly from within their favorite IDE
Native support for XML fields in SQL Server – lets users associate XML fields in SQL Server databases with XML Schemas so that the defined data elements can be easily incorporated into the design for rendering and publishing
Support for additional databases – SQL Server 2008, Oracle 11g, and PostgreSQL 8
Support for Apache FOP 0.95
StyleVision® 2008 Release 2 (28 avril 2008)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Native support for OOXML – allows users to automatically generate DOCX output based on stylesheet designs
Support for Grouping – provides users with a simple method of grouping XML elements for reorganizing data presentation
Support for Complex and Simple types in XML Schema – increases schema portability and usability by enabling users to define type-based global elements
Database Views – allows developers and DBAs to render custom views created from their relational database data
Inline PK/FK creation – allows users to create unique identifiers for database records on-the-fly
Support for SQL SELECT statements – enables users to use any SELECT statement as input for rendering
Sample XML Schema generation based on an XML instance – allows users to create stylesheets based on XML input when there is no XML Schema available.
Embedded images and image sizing support in RTF
Native support for XSL:FO styles for page processing
Project management support
RTF support now extends to Professional Edition
StyleVision® 2008 (12 septembre 2007)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Modular StyleVision design files – allows users to import existing StyleVision designs to reuse their work in multiple projects
Database Connection Wizard – simplifies connecting to supported databases
Database Query window – allows users to query supported databases directly within StyleVision
Refactoring support when working with XML Schemas – detects changes made to source XML Schemas and allows designers to easily
StyleVision® 2007 Release 3 (30 mai 2007)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
New StyleVision Basic Edition – visual stylesheet design tool for rendering XML data in HTML format
Support for tables of contents – a context-sensitive right click menu and wizard allow users to tag items in a design for inclusion in the TOC
Rendering and editing of database XML fields – simply associate database XML fields with XML Schemas then drag defined data elements on to the design pane for rendering and publishing (IBM DB2 9 only for this release)
Support for design fragments – save a set of formatting rules as a template and re-use that template throughout a design as required
Support for FOP 0.93 processor
StyleVision® 2007 (24 octobre 2006)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Support for specifying style values based on XPath expressions – each XPath expression is evaluated at runtime, and the result is entered as the value of the property
Ability to set conditions dependent on output type – fine-tune output for HTML, PDF, RTF, or Authentic forms by setting conditions for each output format as needed
Support for sorting data at runtime – a handy Sort dialog lets you define which elements should be sorted, whether they are numbers or text, and whether they should be displayed in ascending or descending order in the resulting HTML, PDF, and RTF output files
Rendering and editing of CDATA nodes – render CDATA elements in each output format and edit CDATA nodes in Authentic view
Page count totals – for headers and footers in the style (Page X of XX) for output to PDF and RTF
StyleVision® 2006 Release 3 (1er juin 2006)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
CSS Support – provides support for cascading stylesheets, enabling users to specify more precise visual styling rules to transform XML and database content into HTML pages. Users can import existing CSS files into the new Style Repository Entry Helper and apply the CSS styles easily using drag-and-drop functionality
Multiple Source Stylesheet Design – enables the design of stylesheets that use multiple sources, such as two or more XML files, an XML file and a database, etc. Allows users to combine data from multiple sources and output it simultaneously in HTML, RTF, and PDF formats
JavaScript Support – adds interactivity to HTML pages with a built-in JavaScript editor for composing JavaScript code that StyleVision can automatically insert into the corresponding XSLT 1.0 or 2.0 stylesheet
User Interface Enhancements – including windows that can be customized, floated, and docked as required; support for working with multiple designs at one time; and a new Design Tree window for viewing and expanding all the specifics of a design in one place. Also includes a new Style Repository window that makes it easy to organize and apply styles including those from external CSS files, and a Local Properties window for viewing and editing the properties for each element and output format as a design is created
StyleVision® 2006 (3 octobre 2005)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
Enhanced standards support – updated XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0 support in compliance with the latest World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Working Drafts released on September 15, 2005
Schema-awareness in XSLT 2.0 Engine – increased functionality and enhanced code performance
StyleVision® 2005 (3 octobre 2004)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
XSLT 2.0 Support – auto-generate standards-compliant, error-free stylesheets using XSLT 2.0 and instantly preview results
XPath 2.0 Support – allows users to design stylesheets that support advanced data grouping and aggregation functions, and automatically creates XPath 2.0 selectors for use in building stylesheets
RTF Output – auto-generates output in this popular word processing format and allows users to simultaneously view the results in Microsoft® Word®
Creation of Database-Enabled Electronic Forms – allows users to design and produce intuitive Altova Authentic electronic forms for writing to, and reading from, all popular relational databases
StyleVision® 2004 Release 4 (17 mai 2004)EnterpriseProfessionalBasic
All new version – completely restructured around its graphical stylesheet designer functionality. StyleVision 2004 superseded the stylesheet designer application formerly sold with XMLSpy
Database reporting – allows users to access database data from any major database, process it in XML, and render eye-catching HTML pages or PDF reports
Authentic Forms preview – provides ability to design and preview Authentic Forms, which give business users a non-technical way to enter and edit XML content using the word processor-like interface of Altova Authentic
Support for command line operations – allows systems integrators to call its functionality from within other applications without spawning its graphical user interface
Mise à jour
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