New in DiffDog 2025 Release 2

Version 2025 Release 2 of Altova DiffDog was announced on March 25, 2024. Learn about all the new features below and update to the latest version.

DiffDog® 2025r2 (March 25, 2025)EnterpriseProfessional
Extended functionality for finding duplicate files in folders
Ability to open file location during directory or duplicate diff
Support for MySQL 9.0/9.1
Support for IBM DB2 12.1

Extended functionality for finding duplicate files in folders

DiffDog makes it easy to manage duplicate files in folders and subfolders. Users can see the location of duplicates to make decisions about which file(s) to save.

v2025r2 includes new options to:

  • Delete all files in the selected folder when they have duplicates elsewhere
  • Delete all duplicates of files in a selected folder, i.e., only files in this folder remain
  • Delete duplicates of a selected file so it remains as a single copy
Options for deleting duplicate files in folders

These new options make dealing with duplicates faster and more efficient by removing the need for some manual work.

Ability to open file location during directory or duplicate diff

This new right-click context menu option makes it easy to quickly open the folder that contains the selected file during a directory or duplicate diff.

Updated database support

For database comparisons, support has been updated to include the latest versions of the following SQL databases:

  • MySQL 9.0/9.1
  • IBM DB2 12.1
Existing customers may update to the latest version here
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New Features in Previous Versions

Learn about all the additional capabilities you’ll get by upgrading from an older version to DiffDog 2025.

DiffDog® 2025 (October 22, 2024)EnterpriseProfessional
Find duplicate files in folders
Support for MySQL 8.4
Support for MariaDB 10.11, 11.2, and 11.4
DiffDog® 2024r2 (April 23, 2024)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for MySQL 8.2 & 8.3, PostgreSQL 16, MariaDB 11.2, SQLite 3.45
DiffDog® 2024 (October 24, 2023)EnterpriseProfessional
Native support for MySQL and MariaDB
Support for horizontal mouse wheel scrolling
DiffDog® 2023r2 (April 12, 2023)EnterpriseProfessional
Exporting differences in HTML format
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2023 (October 19, 2022)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2022r2 (March 8, 2022)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2022 (October 27, 2021)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for Windows 11
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2021r3 (June 1, 2021)EnterpriseProfessional
Bug fixes and other improvements
DiffDog® 2021r2 (March 4, 2021)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for diffing Access and/or SQLite files directly from Windows Explorer
Support for IBM DB2 for iSeries 7.4
DiffDog® 2021 (October 14, 2020)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2020r2 (March 17, 2020)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2020 (October 9, 2019)EnterpriseProfessional
CSV/CSV and CSV/database comparisons
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2019r3 (April 2, 2019)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
Open JDK support
Support for Windows Server 2019
DiffDog® 2019 (October 17, 2018)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for additional database versions
DiffDog® 2018r2 (April 17, 2018)EnterpriseProfessional
New product: DiffDog Server
Support for Teradata 16 and MariaDB 10 databases
Detailed network proxy settings
DiffDog® 2018 (October 3, 2017)EnterpriseProfessional
3-Way File Comparison
Support for Sybase 16, PostgreSQL 9.6, MySQL 5.7
DiffDog® 2017 release 3 (April 4, 2017)EnterpriseProfessional
New Find bar for Text View windows
Windows Server 2016 Support
DiffDog® 2017 (October 4, 2016)EnterpriseProfessional
Enhanced database support – support for ADO.NET database drivers, native support for PostgreSQL, support for Progress OpenEdge, support for SQL Server 2016
DiffDog® 2016 (September 30, 2015)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for Firebird databases
Support for numerous databases updated to include newest versions: IBM DB2 10.5, SQL Server 2014, PostgreSQL 9.4, MySQL 5.6, and Oracle 12C
Windows 10 support
DiffDog® 2015 release 4 (June 10, 2015)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for SQLite 3.x databases
DiffDog® 2014 (October 29, 2013)EnterpriseProfessional
Support for new databases and database versions: Informix 11.70, PostgreSQL versions 9.0.10/9.1.6/9.2.1, MySQL 5.5.28, IBM DB2 versions 9.5/9.7/10.1, SQL Server 2012, Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) 15/15.7, and Access 2010/2013
DiffDog® 2013 (September 15, 2012)EnterpriseProfessional
Print results of directory comparisons – Create records of directory differences over time, or before merging contents.
Significant performance improvement – Depending on the XML document structure, XML comparisons can now run up to 4 times faster.
DiffDog® 2012 Release 2 (February 23, 2012)EnterpriseProfessional
Save and reload parameters for file and folder comparisons – Improves efficiency for frequently-repeated comparisons
Selection to hide or display empty folders in directory comparisons – Can make large, complex directory trees easier to manage
Support for logical files in IBM iSeries databases – Enhances database schema comparison for IBM DB2 databases.
DiffDog® 2012 (October 19, 2011)EnterpriseProfessional
Supports file and folder comparison with FTP and HTTP servers – Facilitates comparison tasks for developers and IT managers who work with network servers.
JDBC database driver support – Improves database connectivity for database structure and content comparisons.
DiffDog® 2011 Release 3 (June 8, 2011)EnterpriseProfessional
Simplified directory synchronization – A new feature to completely synchronize folders in a single step.
DiffDog® 2011 Release 2 (February 16, 2011)EnterpriseProfessional
Word-processor view comparison – DiffDog 2011r2 can open two instances of Microsoft Word 2003 (and later) to view, merge, and edit documents side by side in word-processor view.
Optional quick comparison of ZIP archives – DiffDog 2011 allows the user to select quick comparison of ZIP archives to accelerate comparisons of folders containing very large numbers of files.
DiffDog® 2011 (September 8, 2012)EnterpriseProfessional
Significant performance increase – DiffDog 2011 is designed to take advantage of multi-core workstations.
DiffDog® 2010 Release 3 (May 10, 2010)EnterpriseProfessional
Enhanced Child Order Recognition – XML child element order recognition is enhanced in DiffDog 2010r3 to process child element attributes as well as child element names.
DiffDog® 2010 Release 2 (February 16, 2010)EnterpriseProfessional
64-bit version – DiffDog is now available in a 64-bit version to run on Windows Vista 64-bit and Windows 7 64-bit systems.
Integration into Windows Explorer – select two files or two folders while navigating with Windows Explorer and choose “Compare with DiffDog” from the context menu to launch a comparison.
DiffDog® 2010 (October 28, 2009)EnterpriseProfessional
XML Schema comparison and generation of transformations for XML data.
Database schema comparison and merging.
Option to pretty-print XML files before comparison.
Compatibility with Windows 7.
DiffDog® 2009 (February 3, 2009)EnterpriseProfessional
Database content comparison and merging.
New DiffDog Enterprise Edition and Professional Edition.
DiffDog® 2008 Release 2 (April 28, 2008)EnterpriseProfessional
Enhanced support for OOXML files and Zip archives – new functionality complements the OOXML capabilities of Altova XMLSpy, MapForce, and StyleVision, giving you a comprehensive set of tools to work with the OOXML file format.
Enhanced directory comparison filters – define, apply, and save filter sets to display specific sets of files.
DiffDog® 2008 (September 12, 2007)EnterpriseProfessional
Enhanced directory merge functionality – allows users to update/merge entire folders, including sub-folders, with a single step.
Binary file comparison – allows users to consider all binary files, including image files, compiled application executables, and binary-based documents in directory comparisons.
DiffDog® 2007 release 3 (May 30, 2007)EnterpriseProfessional
Increased speed – during comparison of very large files (100k or more).
User interface enhancements – file size column automatically adjusted during directory comparisons, for instance.
DiffDog® 2007 (October 24, 2006)EnterpriseProfessional
User setting to ignore specific elements – or attributes and filtering data when comparing XML files.
Export differencing results – in XML and UNIX-diff formats for further processing.
Altova® MissionKit – DiffDog is included in Altova MissionKit, bundling Altova’s intelligent application development, data management, and modeling tools at a substantial discount in a variety of configurations tailored to meet the needs of software architects and XML developers.
DiffDog® 2005 (January 18, 2005)EnterpriseProfessional
Intuitive user interface – intelligent syntax-coloring, line numbering, indentation guides, folding margins, and other innovative features to assist in comparing source code and XML files.
Special XML differencing capabilities – DTD/schema-based validation, well-formedness checking, intelligent entry helpers, optional entity resolution, and attention to attribute and child element ordering.
Edit and merge – edit documents directly within DiffDog, merge changes, and instantly re-compare the edited files.
Directory comparisons – compare and merge directories, and open and edit file pairs directly from within the directory comparison display, and merge between directories.
Version control integration – integrates with any version control system that supports external differencing applications.
Existing customers may update to the latest version here
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