Version 2025 Release 2 of Altova StyleVision Server was announced on March 25, 2024. Learn about all the new features below and update to the latest version.
PDF/UA (ISO 14289) is an international standard established to improve accessibility in PDF technology. Designed for developers creating PDF writing and processing software, PDF/UA outlines clear requirements for making PDFs accessible so that individuals with disabilities can use assistive technologies such as screen readers, magnifiers, and adaptive input devices to navigate and read digital content effectively.
StyleVision 2025r2 has an option to enable PDF/UA compatiblity for generated PDFs, and StyleVision Server also supports this functionality.
Learn about all the additional functionality that has been added in each release of StyleVision Server.
StyleVision® Server 2015 (September 17, 2014) |
New API for control of StyleVision Server – Allows StyleVision Server to be executed natively by programs written in C# and VB.NET in Windows, from other Windows apps via a COM interface, and from Java programs in Windows, Linux, and MacOS |
Support for database-based designs – Adds to support for XML and XBRL-based report designs |