Using StyleVision to Convert XML to PDF

  • XML to PDF converter
  • XML to HTML converter
  • Visual, drag-and-drop design
  • Combining multiple data sources in one design
  • Dynamic table, chart, and graph creation
  • Print-specific formatting options for PDF
  • Auto-generated XSL:FO
  • Support for PDF accessiblity features
  • Automation via StyleVision Server

XML to PDF Conversion

Convert XML to PDF easily using StyleVision

Altova StyleVision provides powerful support for easily creating PDF reports based on XML data. Other data types such as relational databases are also supported. The unique StyleVision design paradigm allows for easy drag-and-drop creation of multi-channel reports for publishing XML in PDF or to the web.

Specialized PDF creation features include:

  • Absolute positioning and blueprint support
  • Generating Tables of Contents and page numbers
  • Auto-generated tables, charts, and graphs
  • Combining multiple XML sources in one PDF design
  • Creating PDF from database and XBRL data
  • Support for fillable PDF forms

Create PDF from XML

StyleVision simplifies the process of creating a PDF from XML data, relational database, and XBRL content sources as well.

When creating a PDF from your XML data in StyleVision simply load the XML Schema or DTD content model(s) to start creating eye-catching PDF reports with advanced functionality for generating tables and charts. Additional preferences for specifying paged media options such as tables of contents and headers/footers, and defining elegant style rules guided by intelligent entry helpers and wizards are also available. Then, StyleVision converts your XML to PDF and generates a standards-conformant XSL:FO stylesheet for automating the process, as required. You can view and save the PDF file directly in StyleVision.

StyleVision easily creates PDFs from XML data using a visual, drag-and-drop design. The unique StyleVision design paradigm allows drag-and-drop creation of multi-channel reports for publishing XML content to the Web and paginated media such as PDF.

For automation of your XML to PDF transformations, use StyleVision Server. StyleVision Server renders XML, SQL databases, and/or XBRL data into PDF, RTF, HTML, or Microsoft Word files based on your StyleVision stylesheet at lightning speed.

Visual XML to PDF Design

Convert XML to PDF easily with StyleVision using drag-and-drop design

StyleVision is a visual XML to PDF designer, and every design you create also generates an XSL:FO stylesheet. As you create your design, StyleVision prompts you to specify formatting rules for each field, and you are also assisted by intelligent entry helpers.

As you work, advanced features such as conditional templates, charts, bar-codes, and more are available to enhance your design. Since PDF documents are paginated, StyleVision includes special XSL:FO options including bookmarks, tables of contents, cover page design options, headers and footers, and so on. The intuitive visual design process means you don’t need prior XSL, XPath, or template coding experience to design PDF output from XML.

At any time during the design process you can view and save the XSL:FO stylesheet auto-generated by StyleVision, the PDF, and the multi-channel output created simultaneously.

With multi-channel, or multi-format publishing of business reports, StyleVision lets you design and publish XML, database, or XBRL data - or a combination thereof, easily to sophisticated reports using its drag-and drop design paradigm. Your one design will simultaneously create compelling business reports in Web and print ready formats including HTML, PDF, RTF, and Word. This process can also be automated using the high-performance StyleVision Server.

XML to PDF Conversion Using StyleVision Server

StyleVision Server processes large volumes of data at lightning speed and can automate high-volume XML to PDF generation. High-performance automation of XML to PDF transformation is available via StyleVision Server.