Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

XULE (from XBRL Rule) is a language for querying XBRL reports and taxonomies. The main purpose of the language is to provide an ability to query and check reports before they are filed, so as to ensure data quality. XULE enables you to check reports in two broad ways:


Provide output from data in the reports: by querying data in the report and computing results from data in the report. The output can be assessed for quality.

Create assertions: Data in the report can be tested against these assertions, and suitable action can be taken subsequently based on the results


Internet links

XULE homepage (contains a brief overview of XULE)

XULE Language Syntax Documentation


XMLSpy features

XMLSpy provides the following XULE features:


A built-in XULE processor that processes XULE documents and expressions against an XBRL instance document

Creation of XULE-conformant documents

Validation of XULE documents for correct syntax against the XULE specification

Syntax coloring in XULE documents

Auto-completion of XULE language constructs when editing XULE documents

A special XULE Window to interactively query XBRL instance documents

Processing of an XBRL instance against a single XULE document or a set of XULE documents stored in a zip archive; the processing can be executed by the XMLSpy engine or the RaptorXML(+XBRL) Server engine

Integration in XMLSpy projects of the execution of XULE documents and document sets


The sub-sections of this section describe these features in detail.


Altova's RaptorXML+XBRL Server

Altova's RaptorXML+XBRL Server provides customizable and fast XULE processing, which enables you to process XULE documents from the command line, with scripts and via a number of server and engine APIs, including a powerful Python API. For more information, see:


The RaptorXML+XBRL page at the Altova website

DQC Certification of Altova RaptorXML+XBRL

RaptorXML+XBRL product documentation

RaptorXML Python API documentation


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