Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

Using Global Resources

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There are several types of global resources (file-type, folder-type , and database-type). Some scenarios in which you can use global resources in XMLSpy are listed here: Files and Folders and Databases.


Selections that determine which resource is used

There are two application-wide selections that determine what global resources can be used and which global resources are actually used at any given time:


The active Global Resources XML File is selected in the Global Resource dialog. The global-resource definitions that are present in the active Global Resources XML File are available to all files that are open in the application. Only the definitions in the active Global Resources XML File are available. The active Global Resources XML File can be changed at any time, and the global-resource definitions in the new active file will immediately replace those of the previously active file. The active Global Resources XML File therefore determines: (i) what global resources can be assigned, and (ii) what global resources are available for look-up (for example, if a global resource in one Global Resource XML File is assigned but there is no global resource of that name in the currently active Global Resources XML File, then the assigned global resource (alias) cannot be looked up).

The active configuration is selected via the menu item Tools | Active Configuration or via the Global Resources toolbar. Clicking this command (or drop-down list in the toolbar) pops up a list of configurations across all aliases. Selecting a configuration makes that configuration active application-wide. This means that wherever a global resource (or alias) is used, the resource corresponding to the active configuration of each used alias will be loaded. The active configuration is applied to all used aliases. If an alias does not have a configuration with the name of the active configuration, then the default configuration of that alias will be used. The active configuration is not relevant when assigning resources; it is significant only when the resources are actually used.


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