Altova XMLSpy 2025 Enterprise Edition

XML Schemas: Advanced

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Now that you have created a basic schema, we can move forward to a few advanced aspects of schema development.



In this section, you will learn how to:


Work with complex types and simple types, which can then be used as the types of schema elements.

Create global elements and reference them from other elements.

Create attributes and their properties, including enumerated values.


You will start this section with the basic AddressFirst.xsd schema you created in the first part of this tutorial.


Commands used in this section

In this section of the tutorial, you will use Schema View exclusively. The following commands are used:



Display Diagram (or Display Content Model View). This icon is located to the left of all global components in Schema Overview. Clicking the icon causes the content model of the associated global component to be displayed.


Display All Globals. This icon is located at the top left-hand corner of the Content Model View. Clicking the icon switches the view to Schema Overview, which displays all global components.


Append. The Append icon is located at the top left-hand corner of the Schema Overview. Clicking the icon enables you to add a global component.


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