Altova SchemaAgent 2024

SchemaAgent Tutorial

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This tutorial gives a short overview of W3C XML schemas and takes you through several tasks which provide an overview of how to use SchemaAgent to its fullest. You will learn how to:


Set up SchemaAgent Client

Create Include, Import, and Redefine relationships between XML schemas

Include, redefine, and import a type

Import a type using only XMLSpy

View updated relationships

View MapForce design (.mfd) files


Installation and configuration

This tutorial assumes that you have successfully installed SchemaAgent on your computer and received a free evaluation key-code, or are a registered user. The evaluation version of SchemaAgent is fully functional but limited to a 30-day period. You can request a regular license from our secure web server or through any one of our resellers.


Tutorial example files

The tutorial files are available in the Documents\Altova\SchemaAgentLocalServer2024\SchemaAgentExamples\Tutorial folder. The parent Examples folder contains various XML schemas for you to experiment with, while the Tutorial folder contains all the files used in this tutorial. For each Windows user account, a separate Examples folder as well as a configuration file is created when the user runs SchemaAgent for the first time. This allows each user on the computer to have separate SchemaAgent search paths and example files.

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