Altova LicenseServer

End User License Agreement (EULA)

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In order to use LicenseServer, you would need to accept the end user license agreement (EULA) for LicenseServer.


Windows and macOS

During the installation of LicenseServer on Windows and macOS, you will be taken through the installation process in a series of dialogs. At some point during this process, you will need to accept the EULA in order to proceed with the installation. Consequently, a successful installation implies that the EULA has been accepted.



On Linux systems, the EULA can be accepted in the following ways:


When you access the Web UI of LicenseServer for the first time, you will be prompted to accept the EULA before you can proceed.

You can run LicenseServer's CLI command licenseserver accepteula. This is useful if you want to accept the EULA without opening the Web UI, for example, via a script.


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