Altova LicenseServer

The Unmet License Requests tab (screenshot below) displays a chart that shows the number of unmet license requests from clients. Such requests were not met because the capacity of the respective license had been exceeded. The statistics represented in the chart will enable you to see which licenses receive requests in excess of their capacities, thus enabling you to estimate the unmet demand for a given product.

Click to expand/collapse

Chart description

Note the following points:


In the tab's combo-box selectors, you can select (i) the period for which you want to display the statistics, and (ii) the interval displayed on the X-Axis.

The Y-Axis gives the number of unmet license requests.

Each Altova product is indicated by a differently colored bar.

When you hover over a bar in the chart, statistics about the unmet license requests for that product are displayed in a popup (see screenshot above).

If there is no unmet license request, then the chart is empty,


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