
Training Partners

Altova Training Partners teach courses about using Altova products and/or use Altova products as a tool for learning about XML, SQL, and UML technologies, as well as broader software engineering and web development topics.

Through partnership with Altova, our Training Partners help to ensure that students obtain the practical industry skills needed to succeed outside of the classroom environment. Altova Training Partners can increase their class enrollment size through various co-marketing activities designed to raise awareness of educational service offerings.

Current Altova Training Partners include, but are not limited to:

There are two levels of Altova training partnerships: Member Level and Premier Level.

Member Level


  • 20-30 free user licenses for course development and classroom use
  • Link on Altova Web site (partner directory)
  • Access to Altova Partner Portal
  • Altova Partner Newsletter
  • Use of Altova logos in accordance with guidelines
  • Partner-specific communications


  • Use of XMLSpy or other Altova products in at least one course per year
  • Fully executed Agreement (General and Specific Terms)
  • Reporting of fulfillment of requirements

Premier Level


Benefits are the same as the Member Level plus:

  • 50-70 free user licenses for course development and classroom use
  • Up to 10 free instructor licenses for course development
  • Joint press release publicizing training events and partnership
  • Publication of public training events on Altova's Web site


Requirements are the same as the Member Level plus:

  • Use of XMLSpy or other Altova products in at least 5 courses per year (public and on-site)
  • Publication and maintenance of a course calendar on Altova's Web site

Apply Now!

We look forward to welcoming your organization as an Altova Training Partner.

The approval process proceeds as follows:

  1. Complete and submit the Altova Partner Program Application. A General Partner Agreement and a Specific Partner Agreement will be emailed back to you. Please contact if you don’t receive the documents within one business day.
  2. Sign both agreements and upload one single pdf file containing all agreement pages to the partner portal as requested. Please also send additional information detailed in the Specific Partner Agreement if required for your partnership to
  3. The completed agreement will be reviewed by Altova's partner management team. You will be notified of our decision within five business days and a fully executed copy of the agreement will be available for download.

There are no membership fees associated with the Altova Partner Program.

If you have any questions about the Altova Partner Programs, agreements, or your application please contact us at