Use this page to download Version 2025 Release 2.
Clicking on any Download button on this page, as well as downloading and/or installing the server software, constitutes acceptance of the Altova Server EULA.
To streamline the process of installing Altova Server Software in Docker, Altova offers an open-source project on GitHub that automates deployment using Docker and Docker Compose. This process installs the complete line of Altova server software products, including RaptorXML Server and the free LicenseServer as part of a customizable configuration. Once your environment is set up, activate the desired products using the installed Altova LicenseServer to either request free, 30-day trial(s) or upload purchased licenses.
To aid those deploying Altova Server Software products in the cloud, a free Azure virtual machine template is available in the Azure Marketplace. This template installs the complete line of Altova server software products, including RaptorXML Server and the free LicenseServer, on the VM that you specify in the Azure cloud. Once you install the template, activate the desired products using the installed Altova LicenseServer to either request free, 30-day trial(s) or upload purchased licenses.
Free Trial Evaluation Information
To start your free, 30-day trial, simply download and install the server software you wish to evaluate, along with the free Altova LicenseServer.
Provided free-of-charge, the LicenseServer will allow you to request and manage free trial license(s). Upon request you will receive an email with your personalized evaluation license, which will unlock the software for 30 days.
All you need to do is install one instance of the Altova LicenseServer on your network and access it from any browser to request new evaluation licenses, enter purchased licenses, and assign them from one central web-based management console to any of the servers on your network.
Instructions for requesting a free server trial using Altova LicenseServer are available here.