Altova XMLSpy 2023 Professional Edition

Copy as XML/JSON Text

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The Copy as XML/JSON Text command copies XML or JSON data from Grid View as XML text (shown in the listing below)  or JSON text. The text will be copied to the clipboard with its markup, and can be pasted to other document locations. Note that this command is available in Grid View only.



  <para align="left">

     <bold>Check the FAQ</bold>



     <link mode="internal">



        <link_text>XMLSPY 2020 FAQ</link_text>


     <link mode="internal">



        <link_text>XMLSPY 2021 FAQ</link_text>





The formatting of the text follows the currently active pretty-printing settings, which are specified in the Options dialog (Tools | Options). The same effect can be obtained by switching to Text View and copying an XML text fragment with Ctrl+C (Edit | Copy).


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