Altova XMLSpy 2023 Professional Edition

JSON Grid View enables you to see the structure of the JSON document (JSON instance/schema) in a grid, to edit the document more easily in a grid, and to restructure blocks of structured text. This provides you with an overview and editing capability that is not always present in Text View, especially in the case of long and complexly structured documents. In the case of JSON documents, such complexity can occur in the form of arrays and objects being nested within other arrays and objects at multiple levels. For example, compare the JSON text listed below (as it would appear in Text View) and its representation in Grid View (as shown in the screenshot further below).


Note:Avro support is available in the Enterprise Edition only.



While the document structure in Text View (listing above) is difficult to discern without a longer, more careful reading, the structure in Grid View (screenshot below) is more readily seen at a glance.

Click to expand/collapse

Additionally, the structure can be easily modified by adding, deleting, or moving objects in the grid. Entire blocks of text can be reorganized (for example, by sorting them or moving them). Content, too, can be edited easily in Grid View, this being made even easier with the availability of in-cell commands in individual cells.


Grid View toolbar

Commands related to editing in Grid View can be accessed quickly via the Grid View toolbar (screenshot below)—which is located in the toolbars area at the top of the application window. Hover over a toolbar icon to see its name and shortcut.

Note:These commands are also available in the JSON menu.


In this section

This section is organized into the topics listed below. These descriptions explain features that are specific to JSON Grid View.


How the JSON document is displayed in JSON Grid View

Editing document structure

Editing document content

Drag-and-Drop in Grid View

Using the table display

Using XQuery filters

Using XQuery formulas

Image Display in Grid View

Context Menu in Grid View

Grid View Settings


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