Altova XMLSpy 2023 Professional Edition

Bookmark Commands

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Insert/Remove Bookmark



Remove All Bookmarks



Goto Next Bookmark



Goto Previous Bookmark




Insert/Remove Bookmark

The Insert/Remove Bookmark command inserts a bookmark at the current cursor position, or removes the bookmark if the cursor is in a line that has been bookmarked previously. This command is only available in Text View.


Bookmarked lines are displayed in one of the following ways:


If the bookmarks margin has been enabled, then a solid blue ellipse appears to the left of the text in the bookmark margin.

If the bookmarks margin has not been enabled, then the entire line containing the cursor is highlighted.


The F2 key cycles through all the bookmarks in the document.


Remove All Bookmarks

The Remove All Bookmarks command removes all the currently defined bookmarks. This command is only available in Text View. Note that the Undo command does not undo the effects of Remove All Bookmarks.


Goto Next Bookmark

The Goto Next Bookmark command places the text cursor at the beginning of the next bookmarked line. This command is only available in Text View.


Goto Previous Bookmark

The Goto Previous Bookmark command places the text cursor at the beginning of the previous bookmarked line. This command is only available in Text View.


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