Altova XMLSpy 2023 Professional Edition

Version 2019 Release 3

Features that are new in XMLSpy Version 2019r3 are listed below.


Text View has been enhanced with Split Views. This provides you with two views of a document that you are editing, which enables you to see different parts of a long document side-by-side—instead of having to scroll a single view to refer to another part of the document.

Support for the newer JSON schema versions; draft-06 and draft-07. See the JSON section of the documentation.

The Options dialog (Tools | Options) provides an option to set the Java Virtual Machine path, which overrides the automatically detected path.

Support for Windows Server 2019.

Support for Eclipse has been extended to Eclipse 4.9 and 4.10.


Version 2019

Features that are new in XMLSpy Version 2019 are listed below.


Support for databases extended to: Firebird 3.0, IBM Informix 12.10, MariaDB 10.3, Microsoft SQL Server 2017, MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 10.

Integration with Eclipse 4.8.


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