Command Line Interface (CLI)
To call Taxonomy Manager at the command line, you need to know the path of the executable. By default, the Taxonomy Manager executable is installed here:
Windows | C:\ProgramData\Altova\SharedBetweenVersions\TaxonomyManager.exe |
Linux | /opt/Altova/RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023/bin/taxonomymanager |
macOS | /usr/local/Altova/RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023/bin/taxonomymanager |
Note: | On Linux and macOS systems, once you have changed the directory to that containing the executable, you can call the executable with sudo ./taxonomymanager. The prefix ./ indicates that the executable is in the current directory. The prefix sudo indicates that the command must be run with root privileges. |
Command line syntax
The general syntax for using the command line is as follows:
<exec> -h | --help | --version | <command> [options] [arguments]
In the listing above, the vertical bar | separates a set of mutually exclusive items. The square brackets [] indicate optional items. Essentially, you can type the executable path followed by either --h, --help, or --version options, or by a command. Each command may have options and arguments. The list of commands is described in the following sections.