Command Line Interface (CLI)
The RaptorXML+XBRL Server executable provides application functionality that can be called from the command line interface (CLI). The path to the executable is:
Linux | /opt/Altova/RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023/bin/raptorxmlxbrl |
Mac | /usr/local/Altova/RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023/bin/raptorxmlxbrl |
Windows | <ProgramFilesFolder>\Altova\RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023\bin\RaptorXMLXBRL.exe |
The command line syntax is:
raptorxmlxbrl --h | --help | --version | <command> [options] [arguments] |
•--help (short form --h) displays the help text of the given command. If no command is named, then all commands of the executable are listed, each with a brief description of the command.
•--version displays the version number of RaptorXML+XBRL Server.
•<command> is the command to execute. Commands are described in the sub-sections of this section (see list below).
•[options] are the options of a command; they are listed and described with their respective commands.
•[arguments] are the arguments of a command; they are listed and described with their respective commands.
RaptorXMLXBRL (and RaptorXMLXBRLServer for administration commands) on Windows raptorxmlxbrl (and raptorxmlxbrlserver for administration commands) on Windows and Unix (Linux, Mac)
* Note that lowercase (raptorxmlxbrl and raptorxmlxbrlserver) works on all platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac), while upper-lower (RaptorXMLXBRL) works only on Windows and Mac. * Use forward slashes on Linux and Mac, backslashes on Windows.
CLI commands
The commands have been organized by their functionality as listed below, and are described in the sub-sections of this section.
•XML, DTD, XSD Validation Commands
•Well-formedness Check Commands