Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2023

You can configure the RaptorXML+XBRL Server service by using the properties given below. To set a property, run the installation command with the property setting appended, like this:


msiexec /i RaptorXMLXBRLServer.msi RXBRL_Service_DisplayName=RaptorXMLXBRLServer


List of properties

To configure RaptorXML+XBRL Server services, use the following properties:


RXBRL_Service_DisplayName=<Serveice Display Name>

Name that will be displayed for the service. Enclose the name in double quotes.


RXBRL_Service_StartType=<Startup Type>

Specifies how the service is started during a system start-up. Values can be one of: auto | auto-delayed | demand | disabled.



Specifies the log-on user for the service. Use one of: LocalSystem | NT Authority\LocalService | NT Authority\NetworkService | <any user with relevant rights>.



The password of the service's start user in plain text.(Hint: Use the installer's user interface to avoid entering plain text passwords.) No password is required if the user name is any of: LocalSystem | NT Authority\LocalService | NT Authority\NetworkService.



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