--chartext-disable = true|false Disables chart extensions. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--dotnetext-disable = true|false Disables .NET extensions. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--indent-characters = VALUE Specifies the character string to be used as indentation.
--input = FILE The URL of the XML file to be transformed.
--javaext-barcode-location = FILE Specifies the path to the folder that contains the barcode extension file AltovaBarcodeExtension.jar. The path must be given in one of the following forms:
•A file URI, for example: --javaext-barcode-location="file:///C:/Program Files/Altova/RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023/etc/jar/" •A Windows path with backslashes escaped, for example: --javaext-barcode-location="C:\\Program Files\\Altova\\RaptorXMLXBRLServer2023\\etc\\jar\\"
--javaext-disable = true|false Disables Java extensions. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
output = FILE, xsltoutput = FILE The URL of the primary-output file. For example, in the case of multiple-file HTML output, the primary-output file will be the location of the entry point HTML file. Additional output files, such as generated image files, are reported as xslt-additional-output-files. If no --output or --xsltoutput option is specified, output is written to standard output.
--p | --param = KEY:VALUE
--streaming = true|false Enables streaming validation. Default is true. In streaming mode, data stored in memory is minimized and processing is faster. The downside is that information that might be required subsequently—for example, a data model of the XML instance document—will not be available. In situations where this is significant, streaming mode will need to be turned off (by giving --streaming a value of false). When using the --script option with the valxml-withxsd command, disable streaming. Note that the --streaming option is ignored if --parallel-assessment is set to true. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--initial-template, --template-entry-point = VALUE Gives the name of a named template in the XSLT stylesheet that is the entry point of the transformation.
--initial-mode, --template-mode = VALUE Specifies the template mode to use for the transformation.
--xpath-static-type-errors-as-warnings = true|false If true, downgrades to warnings any type errors that are detected in the XPath static context. Whereas an error would cause the execution to fail, a warning would enable processing to continue. Default is false.
--xslt-version = 1|1.0|2|2.0|3|3.0|3.1 Specifies whether the XSLT processor should use XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, or XSLT 3.0. Default value is 3.