Altova Authentic 2023 Desktop

Differences with Standalone Version

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This section lists the ways in which the Visual Studio versions differ from the standalone versions of Authentic Desktop.


Entry helpers (Tool windows in Visual Studio)

The entry helpers of Authentic Desktop are available as Tool windows in Visual Studio. The following points about them should be noted. (For a description of entry helpers and the Authentic Desktop GUI, see the section, GUI and Environment.)


You can drag entry helper windows to any position in the development environment.

Right-clicking an entry helper tab allows you to further customize your interface. Entry helper configuration options are: dockable, hide, floating, and auto-hide.


Authentic Desktop commands as Visual Studio commands

Some Authentic Desktop commands are present as Visual Studio commands in the Visual Studio GUI. These are:


Undo, Redo: These Visual Studio commands affect all actions in the Visual Studio development environment.

Projects: Authentic Desktop projects are handled as Visual Studio projects.

Customize Toolbars, Customize Commands: The Toolbars and Commands tabs in the Customize dialog (Tools | Customize) contain both visual Studio commands as well as Authentic Desktop commands.

Views: In the View menu, the Authentic Tool Windows submenu contains options to toggle on entry helper windows and other sidebars, and to switch between the editing views, and toggle certain editing guides on and off.

Authentic Help: This Authentic Desktop menu appears as a submenu in Visual Studio's Help menu.


Note:In Visual Studio 2019 and later, Authentic Desktop functionality can be accessed in the Extensions menu of Visual Studio. In earlier versions of Visual Studio, Authentic Desktop features are available in top-level menus of Visual Studio.


Note:Toolbar commands are not supported. If you have set up a toolbar command in Authentic Desktop that runs a command or script, then this toolbar command will not be available in the plug-in.


Additional Notes

Some additional notes and tips are given below:


To edit an XML file with the Authentic plugin, select the File | Open command. Then, in the File Open dialog, choose whether you want to open an Authentic global resource or an Authentic file via a URL.


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