Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

Das VBScript-Beispiel ist in die folgenden Abschnitte gegliedert:


Einrichten und Initialisieren des RaptorXML COM-Objekts

Validieren einer XML-Datei

Durchführung einer XSLT-Transformation, Rückgabe des Ergebnisses als String

Verarbeiten eines XQuery-Dokuments, Speichern des Ergebnisses in einer Datei

Einrichten der Ausführungssequenz des Skripts und seines Eintrittspunkts


' The RaptorXML COM object

dim objRaptor


' Initialize the RaptorXML COM object

sub Init

 objRaptor = Null

 On Error Resume Next

 ' Try to load the 32-bit COM object; do not throw exceptions if object is not found

 Set objRaptor = WScript.GetObject( "", "RaptorXML.Server" )

 On Error Goto 0

 if ( IsNull( objRaptor ) ) then

         ' Try to load the 64-bit object (exception will be thrown if not found)

         Set objRaptor = WScript.GetObject( "", "RaptorXML_x64.Server" )

 end if

 ' Configure the server: error reporting, HTTP server name and port (IPv6 localhost in this example)

 objRaptor.ErrorLimit = 1

 objRaptor.ReportOptionalWarnings = true

 objRaptor.ServerName = "::1"

 objRaptor.ServerPort = 8087

end sub


' Validate one file

sub ValidateXML

 ' Get a validator instance from the Server object

 dim objXMLValidator

 Set objXMLValidator = objRaptor.GetXMLValidator()


 ' Configure input data

 objXMLValidator.InputFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"


 ' Validate; in case of invalid file report the problem returned by RaptorXML

 if ( objXMLValidator.IsValid() ) then

         MsgBox( "Input string is valid" )


         MsgBox( objXMLValidator.LastErrorMessage )

 end if

end sub


' Perform a transformation; return the result as a string

sub RunXSLT

 ' Get an XSLT engine instance from the Server object

 dim objXSLT

 set objXSLT = objRaptor.GetXSLT


 ' Configure input data

 objXSLT.InputXMLFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"

 objXSLT.XSLFileName = "MyTransformation.xsl"


 ' Run the transformation; in case of success the result will be returned, in case of errors the engine returns an error listing

 MsgBox( objXSLT.ExecuteAndGetResultAsString() )

end sub


' Execute an XQuery; save the result in a file

sub RunXQuery

 ' Get an XQuery engine instance from the Server object

 dim objXQ

 set objXQ = objRaptor.GetXQuery()


 ' Configure input data

 objXQ.InputXMLFileName = "MyXMLFile.xml"

 objXQ.XQueryFileName = "MyQuery.xq"


 ' Configure serialization (optional - for fine-tuning the result's formatting)

 objXQ.OutputEncoding = "UTF8"

 objXQ.OutputIndent = true

 objXQ.OutputMethod = "xml"

 objXQ.OutputOmitXMLDeclaration = false


 ' Run the query; the result will be serialized to the given path

 call objXQ.Execute( "MyQueryResult.xml" )

end sub


' Perform all sample functions

sub main





end sub


' Script entry point; run the main function



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