The Settings dialog (screenshot below) allows you to define instance creation properties, Help options, and validation settings. To view or change the add-in settings, click Settings in the add-in ribbon.

Instance Creation
Specifies if the exported XBRL instances should contain a Generated by comment. Set this option to No if your reporting authority does not allow comments in the created reports. The default value is Yes.
Specifies if the exported XBRL instances should be streamable and contain the xbrl-streamable-instance processing instruction. Set this option to No if your reporting authority does not allow processing instructions in reports. The default value is No. For more information about streamable XBRL instances, see XBRL Streaming Extensions Module 1.0.
Specifies whether the Altova Online Help in HTML format (default option) or the locally installed PDF file should be used.
This setting enables you to specify whether downloaded taxonomies should be stored in the global-package ProgramData folder (C:\ProgramData\Altova\pkgs\.cache) or the user folder (<USER-HOME>\Documents\Altova\pkgs\.cache). Select the user folder if you do not have permission to write in the ProgramData folder.
Note that nothing is shared between the global-package folder and the user folder. Therefore, if you decide to switch from one folder to the other (e.g., from the global-package folder to the user folder) and you need the same taxonomies in the second folder, you must install all these taxonomies again.
Shows all the executed validation rules, including the failed ones, in the report. The default option is No.