Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition

Automation with FlowForce Server

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Transformations can be automated over a network by using Altova's FlowForce Server, which is available on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS systems. The process works as follows:


1.From StyleVision, a PXF file is deployed to FlowForce Server (with the File | Deploy to FlowForce command) as a .transformation file. The .transformation file contains all the files and information required to carry out transformations as designed in the SPS. (In the diagram below, the deployment is represented by the connector line running along the top.)

2.After the .transformation file has been deployed to FlowForce Server, jobs can be created in FlowForce that use the .transformation file to generate transformations according to triggers specified in the job definition. (A trigger could be, for example, a specific time every day.) Flow Force jobs are created in the FlowForce Web Server interface (shown in the center of the diagram below), which can be accessed from StyleVision or via an HTTP address. For information about creating FlowForce jobs, see the FlowForce documentation.

3.At execution time, FlowForce Server passes the transformation instructions and relevant files to StyleVision Server, which then carries out the transformation (see diagram below).


The role of StyleVision Server in the FlowForce workflow is shown in the diagram below. (The role of MapForce Server in the workflow is also displayed since FlowForce jobs can be created that send Altova MapForce mappings to the Altova MapForce Server for execution.)


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Note that additionally to being invoked by a FlowForce job, StyleVision Server can also be invoked via its command line. Usage is described in the StyleVision Server documentation.


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