Editing Data
Data for each field of the record is entered via a data-entry device such as a text field, combo box, or date picker, and data entry is straightforward. Click Save when you finish editing a record.
Note the following points:
•If your system administrator has set validation rules for a field value, then the field name stays red till a valid value is entered.
•If your system administrator has set validation rules for the record, errors/warnings will be displayed when you click Save.
•When you are entering data for a new record, the Save++ button is available (in addition to the Save button). Click Save++ to save the record and create a new record.
•The arrow buttons (see screenshot below) enable you to navigate to the previous and next records.

•If your system administrator has enabled the data of related records to be edited, then access to these related records will be available at the bottom of the form. In the screenshot at the start of this topic, for example, the related Person records are shown at the bottom of the form and can be edited. Separate data entry forms for each Person record will be displayed, and you can navigate through the different Person records by clicking the Previous and Next icons at the bottom of the form.
•When you edit data of an existing record, the Changes button (see screenshot above) is available. Click it to see past and current changes that have been made to the record being edited. This enables you to review changes before saving. When you are in Changes Mode, you cannot edit the record. To leave Changes Mode, click Hide Changes. Changes Mode is described in the next topic, Audits and Change Tracking.
•The icons at the top of the form provide additional functionality: Undo; Redo; Copy Current Record to New Record; Share; Print. Clicking the Share icon enables you to send a link to the current record via email to another user: you can either (i) directly send the mail from your email client or (ii) copy the link to the clipboard. (For Print setup, see the Print topic); Help (links to the RecordsManager user manual).