Start MobileTogether Server
In order to run MobileTogether Server, it must be started as a service. How to do this described below.
You can start MobileTogether Server via the Altova ServiceController, which is available in the system tray.
First, click Start | All Programs | Altova LicenseServer | Altova ServiceController to start Altova ServiceController and display its icon in the system tray (see screenshot below). If you select the Run Altova ServiceController at Startup option, Altova ServiceController will start up on system start and its icon will be available in the system tray from then onwards.
To start MobileTogether Server, click the Altova ServiceController icon in the system tray, hover over MobileTogether Server in the menu that appears (see screenshot above), and then select Start Service from the MobileTogether Server submenu. If MobileTogether Server is already running, the Start Service option will be disabled.
To stop MobileTogether Server, select Stop Service from the MobileTogether Server submenu (see screenshot above).
Start MobileTogether Server as a daemon with the following command:
To set up and configure MobileTogether Server, open its Web UI (Setup) page by entering the URL of the Web UI page in the address bar of an Internet browser: http://<serverIPAddressOrName>:8085.
Firewall Note Make sure that the port address is not blocked by your firewall.
MobileTogether Server server daemon starts automatically after installation and a re-boot of the machine. You can start MobileTogether Server as a daemon with the following command: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.altova.MobileTogetherServer<%MTVERSION%>.plist
If at any time you need to stop MobileTogether Server, use: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.altova.MobileTogetherServer<%MTVERSION%>.plist
To set up and configure MobileTogether Server, open its Web UI (Setup) page in one of the following ways:
•Double-click the MobileTogether Server icon in the Applications folder of the Finder •Enter the URL of the Web UI page in the address bar of an Internet browser: http://<serverIPAddressOrName>:8085
Firewall Note Make sure that the port address is not blocked by your firewall.