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Altova Site Search hat 200 Dokumente gefunden, die Ihrer Eingabe '"quick test"' in Deutsch entsprechen:

Dokumente 51 bis 60 von 200

Ergebnis Bereich
xsd.Assertion RaptorXML Python API 1.0
xsd.Assertion. annotations ¶ A sequence of Annotation components. xsd.Assertion. test ¶ An XPath Expression property record. Required. Special methods ¶...__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__,...
Online Manual
xbrl.formula.TypedDimensionFilter RaptorXML Python API 2.9.0
xbrl.formula.DimensionFilter. dimension Returns an xbrl.formula.DimensionFilter.Dimension objects which represent the child XML element. xbrl.formula.TypedDimensionFilter. test ¶ Returns an...
Online Manual
xsd.TypeAlternative RaptorXML Python API 1.0
The TypeAlternative class is used by an ElementDeclaration to specify a condition (test) under which a particular type (type_definition) is used as the governing type definition for element...
Online Manual
xsd.TypeAlternative RaptorXML Python API 2.8.4
xsd.TypeAlternative. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
xsd.TypeAlternative RaptorXML Python API 2.8.6
xsd.TypeAlternative. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
xsd.TypeAlternative RaptorXML Python API 2.9.0
xsd.TypeAlternative. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
XBRL Data Quality of SEC Filings
The actual breakdown of the major concepts like Assets into its constituent parts often differs quite dramatically. Here is a quick illustration using GE’s quarterly balance sheet from...
xsd.Assertion RaptorXML Python API 2.9.0
xsd.Assertion. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
xsd.Assertion RaptorXML Python API 2.8.6
xsd.Assertion. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
xsd.Assertion RaptorXML Python API 2.8.4
xsd.Assertion. annotations ¶ Returns an iterator of xsd.Annotation components. xsd.Component. element Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem representing this schema component. xsd.Component. id...
Online Manual
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