Altova MobileTogether Designer


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This section contains tutorials that will guide you through the basic steps needed to create a MobileTogether design, as well as help you to understand more advanced MobileTogether features.


The QuickStart Tutorials take you through the basics, all the way up to deploying the MTD file and associated files on MobileTogether Server.

The Simple Database tutorial shows how to create a DB-based design and how to load DB records on the basis of a user selection.

The Hierarchical Database explains how related tables of a DB can be hierarchically linked in a page source.

The Database-And-Charts tutorial uses a finished design file to explain how to work with databases and how to create charts.

The SubPages-And-Visibility tutorial shows you how to open a sub page from a top page, and how to filter the display of a data structure using the Visible property.

The Add and Edit Records tutorial explains a number of intermediate-level concepts that will help you gain more confidence in using MobileTogether Designer.

The SOAP Requests tutorial explains how to create SOAP requests to obtain data from a web service, and how to use the returned data in the design.

The Sharing Geolocations tutorial shows how the Geolocation functionality can be used. Other features that are described include sharing and catching errors.

The Scrollable Tables tutorial describes the key features of scrollable tables, and shows how such tables are created.


Tutorial and example files

Finished design files, as well as the data sources and image files used in the tutorials, are available in the (My) Documents folder: Altova\MobileTogetherDesigner9\MobileTogetherDesignerExamples\Tutorials.


We recommend that you create the folder C:\MobileTogether and then copy all the folders and files that are in the Tutorials folder to the C:\MobileTogether folder. This is because some of the supplied design files (.mtd files) use absolute URLs to target resources in the C:\MobileTogether folder. If, while deploying a design file to the server, some resource file that must be deployed (such as an image file) cannot be correctly located, then (i) remove that resource file from the list of files to deploy, (ii) browse for the resource at the location where it is saved, and (iii) add the resource file (now with the correct location) to the list of files to deploy.


After you have completed the tutorials, you could open the more advanced example design files (.mtd files) in the MobileTogetherDesignerExamples folder. These examples show how various features of MobileTogether Designer can be used, and so can be used as reference points for your own designs.


Video demos of how to get started with MobileTogether

The Altova website provides video demos that will help you to get started with MobileTogether Designer and to understand some of its key features. Currently, the following video demos are available:


Intro and building your first app: Describes the user interface and the the first steps to take when creating a design

Building a database-driven app: How to connect to a DB and query it, how to retrieve DB records, and how to present DB data in the form of tables

Working with databases, Part 2: Adds functionality to the design created in the previous demo: how to query, view, and edit DB records

Working with databases, Part 3: Lets users upload images, resize images, and save the edited images; builds on the previous two demos

Working with databases, Part 4: Adds functionality (to the previous demo) for record creation and deletion, and for data validation

Working with databases, Part 5: Adds (to the previous demo) filtering functionality without the need for calls to a backend server; plus how to create user-defined XQuery functions

Install and Configure MobileTogether Server: Shows how to install MobileTogether Server and Altova LicenseServer, and how to configure MobileTogether Server behind a corporate firewall

Configuring MobileTogether Server in a Network: Also explains how to set up ports so that MobileTogether Sever can be connected to from both outside and inside the network

Configuring MobileTogether Server to use SSL: Describes how to enable secure connections between MobileTogether Sever and client devices. Includes descriptions for: (i) purchased certificates and (ii) Let's Encrypt certificates

An Altova blogpost about configuring MobileTogether Server in a network

Plus: Additional demos about using charts and working with XQuery


File paths in Windows

File paths given in this documentation will not be the same for all operating systems. You should note the following correspondences:


(My) Documents folder: Located by default at the following locations. Example files are located in a sub-folder of this folder.


Windows 7/8/10/11



Application folder: The Application folder is the folder where your Altova application is located. The path to the Application folder is, by default, the following.


Windows 7/8/10/11

C:\Program Files\Altova\

32-bit version on 64-bit OS

C:\Program Files (x86)\Altova\



File URLs in example files

File URLs in example files might be absolute URLs. In such cases, they will probably not correspond to the directory structures of your work environment. If you use the supplied example files, make sure that file URLs in them—and any XPath expressions that build such URLs—point to the correct file locations on your machine or network.



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