Altova MapForce 2024 Basic Edition

Preview and Save Output

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We are now ready to preview and save the output of each target component. When multiple target components exist in the same mapping, you can choose which one to preview by clicking the btn_component_preview button. Only one component at a time can have the preview enabled. To view and save the output of the intermediate component MergedLibrary, follow the instructions below:


1.Click btn_component_preview_pressed in the MergedLibrary component.

2.Open the Output pane.

3.In the Output menu, click Save Output File if you want to save the output to a file.


To view and save the output of the FilteredLibrary component, take the steps below:


1.Click btn_component_pass-through_pressed in the MergedLibrary component.

2.Click btn_component_preview_pressed in the FilteredLibrary component.

3.Open the Output pane.

4.In the Output menu, click Save Output File if you want to save the output to a file.


You have now finished designing the mapping which has two target components. For your convenience, the mapping design in this tutorial is saved as Tut3_ChainedMapping.mfd.


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