Activate/Deactivate Licenses
In order for you to be able to assign a license, the license must be in either the Active or Pending state. (A Pending license has a start date in the future, and it turns Active on the start date.) If, after the start date, a license is inactive (for example, if it has been manually deactivated by an administrator; see License Status for more information), then it needs to be activated before it can be assigned.
An inactive license is activated in the License Pool tab (screenshot below). Select the inactive license and click Activate (located at the bottom of the tab).

Related information
•For information about the status of licenses, see the section License Status.
•To deactivate an active license, select the license and click Deactivate (located at the bottom of the tab).
•To delete an inactive license, select the license and click Delete (located at the bottom of the tab).
•For more information about activating, deactivating, and deleting licenses, see the section License Pool.