Client Monitoring
The Client Monitoring tab provides an overview of the selected client machine. The tab displays information about licensed products in two categories of client:
•Checked-out clients, and
•Running clients
Checked-out clients
End users of an Altova desktop product, such as XMLSpy or MapForce, can check out a license that is registered with LicenseServer. This would typically be done in situations where it is foreseen that the client will be offline for a certain period of time. The license can be checked out from LicenseServer (by the client) for the period during which the machine will be offline. For this period, the end user can continue using the Altova desktop product without making contact with LicenseServer. See License Check-outs
The licenses and users that are currently checked out, together with the check-out period and other information about the client and the check-out, are listed in the Client Monitoring tab under this heading.
Running Clients
This section lists all the clients (machine users and named users) on which licensed products are currently running. In the case of desktop products, a running product is one that has been started. In the case of server products, the product is running if the server service has been started. If multiple instances of a product are running, then each of these instances is listed.

Icons in the Client Monitoring tab
![]() | Show License(s). Available for each product instance. Goes to the License Pool tab, and highlights the license of the selected product instance. |
![]() | Manage Client. Available for each product instance. Goes to the Client Management tab, and highlights the client of the selected product instance. |