Failover LicenseServer Settings
A second LicenseServer can be configured to take over from the Primary LicenseServer if the Primary LicenseServer becomes unavailable. This second LicenseServer is called the Failover LicenseServer., and it is configured in the Failover LicenseServer Settings pane (screenshot below).
How to configure a Failover LicenseServer via these settings is described below. For an overview of how Failover LicenseServers work, see Failover LicenseServer in the General Information section.
Configure a Failover LicenseServer
To set up a LicenseServer as the Failover LicenseServer of a LicenseServer that is running on your network, do the following:
1.Install LicenseServer as described in the Installation section.
2.Set the LicenseServer's mode to Failover LicenseServer by selecting the corresponding radio button (see screenshot above). (By default the LicenseServer Mode is set to Primary LicenseServer.)
3.In the Find Primary LicenseServer dialog that appears (screenshot below), enter the Primary LicenseServer you want to back up with this Failover LicenseServer. You can do this in one of two ways: (i) Click Search for LicenseServers and then select, in the combo box, the LicenseServer you want to back up from the list of found LicenseServers; (ii) Click Manually Enter Address, and enter the address (hostname or IP address, not URL) of the LicenseServer you want to back up. After entering the Primary LicenseServer, click Connect to Primary LicenseServer.

4.A confirmation dialog appears, asking you to confirm that you wish to set the current LicenseServer as the Failover LicenseServer (of the Primary LicenseServer you have just selected). Click Yes if you wish to confirm. Note that going ahead with the confirmation will remove any installed licenses and registered clients on the current LicenseServer.
Once a Failover LicenseServer has been configured, both the Primary LicenseServer and Failover LicenseServer will have information about their status at the top of the Configuration Page. In the two screenshots below, the Failover LicenseServer is shown first, then the Primary LicenseServer.