Example Java Project
The Java code listing below shows how basic functionality can be accessed. It is structured into the following parts:
•Locate the examples folder, and create a RaptorXML COM object instance
•Perform an XSLT transformation, return the result as a string
•Process an XQuery document, return the result as a string
This basic functionality is included in the files in the examples/API folder of the RaptorXML Server application folder.
public class RunRaptorXML
// Locate samples installed with the product
// (will be two levels higher from examples/API/Java)
// REMARK: You might need to modify this path
static final String strExamplesFolder = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/../../" ;
static com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXMLFactory rxml;
static void ValidateXML() throws com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXMLException
com.altova.raptorxml.XMLValidator xmlValidator = rxml.getXMLValidator();
System.out.println("RaptorXML Java - XML validation");
xmlValidator.setInputFromText( "<!DOCTYPE root [ <!ELEMENT root (#PCDATA)> ]> <root>simple input document</root>" );
if( xmlValidator.isWellFormed() )
System.out.println( "The input string is well-formed" );
System.out.println( "Input string is not well-formed: " + xmlValidator.getLastErrorMessage() );
if( xmlValidator.isValid() )
System.out.println( "The input string is valid" );
System.out.println( "Input string is not valid: " + xmlValidator.getLastErrorMessage() );
static void RunXSLT() throws com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXMLException
System.out.println("RaptorXML Java - XSL Transformation");
com.altova.raptorxml.XSLT xsltEngine = rxml.getXSLT();
xsltEngine.setInputXMLFileName( strExamplesFolder + "simple.xml" );
xsltEngine.setXSLFileName( strExamplesFolder + "transform.xsl" );
String result = xsltEngine.executeAndGetResultAsString();
if( result == null )
System.out.println( "Transformation failed: " + xsltEngine.getLastErrorMessage() );
System.out.println( "Result is " + result );
static void RunXQuery() throws com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXMLException
System.out.println("RaptorXML Java - XQuery execution");
com.altova.raptorxml.XQuery xqEngine = rxml.getXQuery();
xqEngine.setInputXMLFileName( strExamplesFolder + "simple.xml" );
xqEngine.setXQueryFileName( strExamplesFolder + "CopyInput.xq" );
System result = xqEngine.executeAndGetResultAsString();
if( result == null )
System.out.println( "Execution failed: " + xqEngine.getLastErrorMessage() );
System.out.println( "Result is " + result );
public static void main(String[] args)
rxml = com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXML.getFactory();
rxml.setErrorLimit( 3 );
catch( com.altova.raptorxml.RaptorXMLException e )