Altova RaptorXML Server (hereafter also called RaptorXML for short) is Altova's third-generation, hyper-fast XML and XBRL* processor. It has been built to be optimized for the latest standards and parallel computing environments. Designed to be highly cross-platform capable, the engine takes advantage of today’s ubiquitous multi-core computers to deliver lightning fast processing of XML and XBRL data.
Note: XBRL processing is available only in RaptorXML+XBRL Server, not in RaptorXML Server.
This documentation
This documentation is delivered with the application and is also available online at the Altova website. This documentation is organized into the following sections:
•Server APIs: HTTP, COM/.NET, Java
When viewing the Help that is delivered with your Altova product in Google's Chrome browser, you might find (i) that you cannot collapse the expanded TOC in the left-hand frame, and (ii) that image miniatures cannot be expanded to full-size images by clicking on the miniature. These limitations occur because of the Same-Origin Policy (SOP) restrictions that Chrome applies. If you face these restrictions, you have the following options:
•Disable Chrome's SOP. You can do this by opening Chrome from the command line with the argument --disable-web-security. (If, after starting Chrome with web security disabled, you close the browser and restart it normally (that is, without the argument), then it will restart with web security enabled.) Note, however, that using this argument will disable the browser's web security and thereby compromise your organization's security. So this is a risky workaround, and we do not recommend it. It is better to go with one of the next two options. •Use a browser with a SOP that allows (i) the collapsing and expanding of TOC items, and (ii) the expanding of image miniatures. For example, Firefox. •Use Chrome with these SOP restriction. The Help's functionality is not affected in any other way besides the restrictions mentioned above.
Altova website: XML validation server, XML validator
Last updated: 17 March 2025