Altova MapForce 2025 Basic Edition

Catalog Structure in MapForce

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When MapForce starts, it loads a file called RootCatalog.xml (structure shown in listing below), which contains a list of catalog files that will be looked up. You can modify this file and enter as many catalog files to look up as you like, each of which is referenced in a nextCatalog element. These catalog files are looked up and the URIs in them are resolved according to their mappings.


Listing of RootCatalog.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog"
  xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog Catalog.xsd">

 <nextCatalog catalog="%PersonalFolder%/Altova/%AppAndVersionName%/CustomCatalog.xml"/>
<!-- Include all catalogs under common schemas folder on the first directory level -->
 <nextCatalog spy:recurseFrom="%CommonSchemasFolder%" catalog="catalog.xml" spy:depth="1"/>
 <nextCatalog spy:recurseFrom="%ApplicationWritableDataFolder%/pkgs/.cache" catalog="remapping.xml" spy:depth="0"/>
 <nextCatalog catalog="CoreCatalog.xml"/>


The listing above references a custom catalog (named CustomCatalog.xml) and a set of catalogs that locate commonly used schemas (such as W3C XML Schemas and the SVG schema).


CustomCatalog.xml is located in your Personal Folder (located via the variable %PersonalFolder%). It is a skeleton file in which you can create your own mappings. You can add mappings to CustomCatalog.xml for any schema you require that is not addressed by the catalog files in the Common Schemas Folder. Do this by using the supported elements of the OASIS catalog mechanism (see next section).

The Common Schemas Folder (located via the variable %CommonSchemasFolder%) contains a set of commonly used schemas. Inside each of these schema folders is a catalog.xml file that maps public and/or system identifiers to URIs that point to locally saved copies of the respective schemas.

CoreCatalog.xml  is located in the MapForce application folder, and is used to locate schemas and stylesheets used by MapForce-specific processes, such as StyleVision Power Stylesheets which are stylesheets used to generate Altova's Authentic View of XML documents.


Location variables

The variables that are used in RootCatalog.xml (listing above) have the following values:



Personal folder of the current user, for example C:\Users\<name>\Documents






Location of catalog files and schemas

Note the locations of the various catalog files.


RootCatalog.xml and CoreCatalog.xml are in the MapForce application folder.

CustomCatalog.xml is located in your MyDocuments\Altova\MapForce folder.

The catalog.xml files are each in a specific schema folder, these schema folders being inside the Common Schemas Folder.



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