Altova FlowForce Server 2025 

To be able to license FlowForce Server with Altova LicenseServer, you must first register FlowForce Server with LicenseServer.


You can register FlowForce Server with Altova LicenseServer from the Setup page or from the command line.


Registration via the command line

To register FlowForce Server from the command line interface, use the licenseserver command:


sudo /usr/local/Altova/FlowForceServer2025/bin/FlowForceServer licenseserver [options] ServerName-Or-IP-Address


For example, if localhost is the name of the server on which LicenseServer is installed, use the following command:


sudo /usr/local/Altova/FlowForceServer2025/bin/FlowForceServer licenseserver localhost  


Notice also that the location of the FlowForce Server executable is:





If you have installed FlowForce Server together with other Altova server products, it is recommended to register FlowForce Server with LicenseServer first. After this, all the other installed Altova server products will be registered automatically. After successful registration, go to the Client Management tab of LicenseServer's configuration page or use the assignlicense command to assign a license to FlowForce Server.


For more information about registering Altova products with LicenseServer, see the LicenseServer user manual.


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